Before changing components on a GTE, be sure that
the replacement parts and tools needed to do the job are
available. Inspect all measuring devices (such as torque
wrenches, meters, and micrometers) to ensure they are
in calibration. Also be sure that you and your team have
read the proper technical manual procedures.
One method that helps ensure proper use of the
technical manual procedures is to provide team
members with a copy of the procedures. Have them
check off each step as it is completed
When making an estimated time of repair (ETR),
you must be as accurate as possible. Your ETR could
ultimately affect the operational schedule of the ship.
Take into account all the factors that may affect an ETR,
such as capabilities of your personnel, availability of
materials, test procedures, preparations, and time for
unexpected delays.
As a supervisor, your primary concern is for the
safety of your personnel and equipment. As a
responsible petty officer, you set the example. Short
cuts that go around safety precautions do not save time.
You can prevent accidents and save time by explicitly
following safety precautions and actively using safety
programs such as tag-out and electrical safety.
During component changeout, keep track of tools
going into and out of the GTE enclosure. Be sure your
personnel use care when removing lockwires, cannon
plugs, and so forth. Tag and bag all bolts, nuts, washers,
and interferences that are removed for reinstallation.
Capping fluid lines will prevent contamination of open
systems. Use care when replacing GTE components.
Most problems that arise after component replacement
are easily avoided. Just remember to work carefully and
always follow the procedures listed in the technical
After GTE repairs are complete, ensure that the
proper entries are made in the MGTESR. and
Engineering Log. If the replaced component is from
selected equipment, make sure you follow procedures
outlined in NSTM, chapter 234, Marine Gas Turbine
Equipment Log Books and Service Records, section 8.
When preparing turn-in components for shipment,
plug or cap all openings. Do not take the components
apart to look inside. You may damage the component
and distort the findings of the testing facilities. The
repair activity must make a determination of cause of
failure. Other activities collect and use information on
failed components to create design improvements.
At some point in your career, you may have the
opportunity to supervise an engine changeout. This
section discusses this topic from a supervisory
For more information on procedures for
engine changeout and post changeout adjustments, you
should consult the Propulsion Gas Turbine Module
LM2500, volume 2, part 3; the Gas Turbine Generator
Set, volume 2; and the Team Leader Guide for FFG-7
Class Ships or the Team Leader Guide for DD-963
Class Ships, as applicable.
Planning a full-scale evolution such as a GTE
changeout takes effort, coordination, and drive. Careful
planning is an essential ingredient to your effective
supervision of a GTE changeout. You can reduce delays
and confusion by anticipating the needs of escorts and
clearances for intermediate maintenance activities
(IMAs), civilians, and other personnel involved.
An organizational meeting of all personnel,
including those involved with ancillary tasks (crane
operators, hook tenders, riggers, and so forth), is
necessary to plan the evolution. At the meeting you
should inform each individual of his or her
responsibility to the overall team effort. Explain how
each job affects the effort and completion schedule. You
should distribute monitoring guides and inventory lists
to the parties concerned with an explanation of how and
when to use them. During the meeting, you should
clarify the time frame established for each task
completion. Having given personnel clear directions,
you can expect them to perform the procedures on
schedule. They should not be surprised when you arrive
for a checkpoint verification. The most important topic
to emphasize is safety. It is your responsibility as team
leader to ensure that all safety precautions are strictly
Assign a safety observer to your changeout team.
His/her sole responsibility is to ensure the safety of
personnel working inside the GTE module and uptakes.
The safety observer should ensure ancillary personnel