be accepted or rejected by the IMA or deferred to a
shops for which they are responsible, safety, and
progress reports to the repair officer.
future IMA availability, depending on shop loading and
material availability. Before the AWR is accepted,
rejected, or deferred, it will be ship checked by the lead
and assist work centers for applicability. If the AWR is
position of diving and salvage officer may be a separate
accepted for work in the current availability, it will be
assignment or a collateral duty for an officer in the
checked by the P & E and QA divisions for technical
repair department. In either case, the diving and salvage
and QA requirements and then issued to the shop.
officer is responsible for the supervision of all diving
Remember, this is a general overview of the work
operations, the maintenance of diving and salvage
request routing from the customer to the craftsman, and
equipment, and compliance with diving instructions and
each IMA has different routing sequences as established
ENLISTED PERSONNEL.--Navy enlisted per-
Ship/IMA Work Coordination
sonnel provide the technical skills required aboard
IMAs. The Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and
Ship's engineering personnel must know the status
Personnel Classifcations and Occupational Standards,
of work underway during an IMA availability whether
NAVPERS 18068, contains detailed information on the
that work is being done by the ship's force or the IMA.
enlisted rating structure.
You need this information to coordinate your own work
with that being done by the ship's force. There are three
Arrival Conference
basic kinds of work that require coordination: (1)
equipment removed by the ship's force to be delivered
An arrival conference is usually held immediately
to the IMA for repair, (2) equipment dismantled by the
when a ship begins an IMA availability or an upkeep
ship's crew so they can send parts to the IMA for repair
period. Representatives of the ship, the repair
(also known as ship-to-shop jobs), and (3) repairs the
department, and the TYCOM usually attend the
IMA force makes on the ship.
conference. They discuss the relative needs of the ship
and the urgency of each job and approve/disapprove
The IMA usually appoints a ship superintendent,
work requests, clarify uncertainties, and arrange for
normally a chief petty officer, who should always know
the status of all jobs on the ship and on the IMA. The
ship will also normally appoint a chief petty officer for
Work Requests
that purpose to interface with the IMA. The person(s)
in these positions are a liaison between the ship and the
This section will briefly discuss the routing of the
IMA for all work in progress and completed, and all
work request from the time the ship submits the ship's
tests required and completed. They should keep a daily
maintenance request action form (OPNAVINST
running progress report of each job and should report
4790/2K) until you receive it to begin work.
that information daily to the ship's/IMA representative.
As mentioned earlier, the ship will submit a
Repair Department
4790/2K to the TYCOM requesting specific main-
tenance work to be accomplished. The 2K is screened
You need a general idea of the shops composing
the repair department and their functions whether you
what type of repair facility to assign the maintenance
are assigned to an IMA or are part of a ship's company.
action to. If the IMA is assigned the maintenance
In this section, we will describe the shops as they are
action, the 2K is routed to the Maintenance Document
organized in the divisions on a destroyer tender (AD),
Control Office (MDCO) and the automated data
which is representative of all surface IMAs.
processing (ADP) facility for processing. MDCO and
Submarine-related IMAs are organized differently but
ADP will process the 2K, entering it onto the CSMP
have the same capabilities.
and will issue an automated work request (AWR) (fig.
2-1) to the IMA.
repair division consists of the shipfitter shop, sheet
When the AWR arrives at the IMA, it is screened
metal shop, pipe and copper shop, weld shop, carpenter
by the RO for applicability, shop capability, urgency,
shop, diving locker, and canvas shop. As an HT, you
and manning requirements. At this point, the AWR may