quite simple; others require planning so they can be
done during upkeep or overhaul periods.
for ship-to-shop work by the shore IMA,
tender, or repair ship. These availabilities are
usually scheduled to take place just before a
regular shipyard overhaul or restricted
A ship's effectiveness depends on its ability to
function well; therefore, ship's personnel and IMAs
have a dual responsibility to keep it in prime condition.
That means that the ship's crew routinely handles
normal maintenance and repairs and IMAs handle those
repairs that a ship's crew cannot handle.
Repair activities are set up to do work the ship's
forces cannot handle. Repair activities are IMAs,
This section deals mostly with those jobs the ship's
XMAS, SRFs, and shipyards. The type of work and
crew cannot handle and which are done by repair
available funds govern the assignment of repair work to
repair activities. The office of the Supervisor of
facilities. We will discuss what happens at an IMA or
SIMA. The following is a list of the different types of
Shipbuilding (SUPSHIP) places and administers
repair facilities:
contracts for the repair or overhaul of naval ships at
private shipyards, and contracts for civilian work to be
An intermediate maintenance activity (IMA) is
done in IMAs, SIMAs, and SRFs.
a repair ship (AR), destroyer tender (AD), or
submarine tender (AS).
Fleet and type commanders usually call on IMAs or
SIMAs to handle repairs and alterations under regular,
A shore intermediate maintenance activity
emergency, and concurrent availabilities. If work is
(SIMA) is based on land and offers services
beyond an IMAs or SIMA's capability, other activities
similar to those of an IMA.
ashore, such as an SRF or a shipyard, will do it. In the
following paragraphs, we will discuss the work done by
A ship repair facility (SRF) is similar to a naval
the ship's forces and IMAs. In addition, we will
shipyard but on a smaller scale and is usually
examine the organization, duties of personnel, and QA
based outside the continental United States.
procedures used in an IMA.
A shipyard is any full-service naval shipyard or
a civilian shipyard contracted for Navy work.
Each ship's force should be able to make its own
While each type of IMA has its special purpose, all
normal repairs. To do that, each ship should have the
of them have many characteristics and facilities in
necessary materials, repair parts, tools, and equipment.
common that make them suitable for general repair
The most competent and experienced personnel should
supervise these repairs. If ship's personnel are not
work on most ships. Repair ships and tenders perform
familiar with the needed repairs and tests, or cannot
battle and operational damage repairs on ships in the
handle a problem for any reason, the CO should request
forward areas, and they provide logistic support to ships
an IMA or shipyard availability. Personnel who are not
of the fleet. They also can provide other services,
familiar with these repairs and tests should take
including medical and dental treatment, for the ships
advantage of an IMA or SIMA availability to observe
they tend. Their shops can handle hull, machinery,
how such work is undertaken. If the ship's force needs
electrical, and ordnance work, and they stock parts to
technical assistance, they should request it from the
help them deal with most of the repairs they perform.
local TYCOM's maintenance representatives.
SIMAs are shore-based facilities that only do repair
The ship's force should follow a regular schedule of
work, while other departments on a shore base handle
preventive maintenance to be sure that equipment and
the supply, medical, and administrative needs of the
machinery are always ready for service. This includes
ship. Ships are assigned to IMAs with a flexible
approach that considers unusual repair requirements and
cleaning, inspections, operations, and tests to ensure
trouble-free operation and to detect faults before they
operational commitments, particularly for ships outside
the continental United States.
become major problems. Some inspections and tests are