will probably be assigned to at least a tour of duty as a
machinery repair division consists of the inside machine
member of R-l division. We will explain the duties of
shop, the outside machine shop, the boiler shop, and the
personnel assigned to each of these shops in the follow-
foundry shop. We will explain the duties of personnel
ing paragraphs. On submarine tenders, the carpenter
assigned to each of these shops in the following
shop, dive locker, and canvas shops are assigned to R-6
Inside Machine Shop.--Personnel repair or
Shipfitter Shop.--Personnel make repairs on the
fabricate mechanical parts that require work done on
hull, manufacture and install various structural metal
machine shop tools and equipment. They do metal
components, repair or replace watertight fixtures, and
plating and engraving, and they test metals to determine
handle alterations designated for forces afloat.
their characteristics. They also handle alterations
designated for forces afloat.
Sheet Metal Shop.--Personnel make all types of
repairs and fabrications on light gauge sheet metal and
Outside Machine Shop.--Personnel shop test and
handle alterations designated for forces afloat.
repair all types of machinery used in naval ships. They
also handle alterations designated for forces afloat. On
Pipe and Copper Shop.--Personnel fabricate and
submarine tenders, they are assigned to R-9 division.
repair most pipe and tubing, test completed work
hydrostatically, and handle alterations designated for
Boiler Shop.--Personnel shop test, inspect, and
forces afloat.
Weld Shop.--Personnel weld most metals, includ-
Foundry Shop.--Personnel pour castings of various
ing high-pressure welding on boilers. They repair
metals to produce repair parts and whole items used on
castings, stress relieve castings and forgings, forge
the ship. On submarine tenders, they are assigned to
special tools and hull fittings, and case harden
R-6 division.
low-carbon steel.
NOTE: The nondestructive testing laboratory
electrical repair division consists of the electric shop,
performs all nondestructive testing used to test the
the gyro shop, the printing shop, and the photo shop.
quality of the welds and is part of the quality control
division, R-8.
Electric Shop.--Personnel inspect, test, repair, and
make adjustments to nearly all electrical equipment, and
Carpenter Shop.--Personnel repair and fabricate
they also handle electrical alterations designated for
most items made of wood, and lay linoleum tile,
forces afloat. (On submarine tenders, the print and
magnetite, and terrazzo covers on decks. The pattern
photo shops are assigned to R-O division.)
shop functions under the carpenter shop and fabricates
patterns of wood, metal, and plastic for templates and
foundry castings.
The electronics repair division consists of the
Canvas Shop.--Personnel fabricate miscellaneous
canvas covers, awnings, and boat cloths, and they repair
Electronics Shop.--Personnel align and repair all
furniture using leather and cloth fabrics.
types of electronic equipment, make field changes, and
maintain an electronics publications library.
Diving Locker.--Personnel inspect the underwater
portion of the hull and prepare the underwater hull
most test equipment used on naval ships.
reports for the repair officer. They also replace
replace other items underwater as needed. They clean
propellers, sonar domes, sea chests, and large injection
valves; clear fouled propellers and sea chests; and
As an HT, most repairs that you will make require
maintain the diving boat and diving equipment in repair
a great deal of quality controls to ensure that the system
and operational readiness.