Checking and inspecting completed repairs or
Obviously, then, the HT in charge of an HT shop
replacement parts
should fully appreciate and understand the responsibility
he/she holds as a member of a shipboard organization,
Promoting teamwork
and be able to identify each of his/her duties with
respect to any assigned job. This is not an easy task in
a field so complex and variable as the work of a shop
From the extent of the preceding list it is obvious
that the job of a supervisor covers a broad field. These
items are quite general in nature; therefore, it is
necessary for each HT shop supervisor to carry out a
Some administrative personnel have made long lists
detailed study of his/her own specific duties and
of the responsibilities of shop supervisors. A close
examination of such lists might disclose to each leading
petty officer points of differences as well as points of
agreement. Many differences are of minor importance,
The leading petty officer in charge of an HT shop
and others represent major differences in responsibili-
should take advantage of every opportunity to provide
ties. After such a comparison, it might be concluded
personnel with specific information about their jobs.
that an accurate list of duties for any given job can be
The type of petty officer who says, "Never mind why;
made only by the individual occupying the particular
just do as you are told," is rapidly being replaced by
the supervisor who recognizes the importance of each
job. The following list includes the duties and responsi-
bilities that are common to most shop supervisors:
As the leading petty officer in charge of an HT
Getting the right person on the right job at the
shop, you should use all possible interest factors. You
right time
should study each of your personnel and use those
interest factors that seem to obtain the best results
Using tools and materials as economically as
according to individual characteristics. Your ability to
interest your personnel in their work is important, as it
determines your success or failure as a supervisor. Your
Preventing conditions that might cause
proficiency in rating depends in part on the quality and
quantity of work assigned personnel produce, which, in
turn, reflects the morale of the shop personnel and their
Keeping personnel satisfied and happy on the
interest in their work.
Adjusting individual grievances
Careful planning is necessary to keep an HT shop
Maintaining discipline
running efficiently and productively. Remember that
any time lost, whether on a job or between jobs, lowers
Keeping records and making reports
the overall efficiency of the shop. To keep the work
flowing smoothly, you will have to consider such
Maintaining the quality and quantity of repair
factors as sizing up the job, checking on the availability
of materials and supplies, time and material
requirements, allowing for priority of work, assigning
Planning and scheduling repair work
work, checking the progress of the work, and checking
the completed work.
Training personnel
Sizing up the Job
Requisitioning tools, equipment, and materials
When a new job order comes into the HT shop,
Inspecting and maintaining tools and equipment
check it over carefully to be sure that it contains all the
necessary information. Don't start a job until you are
Giving orders and directions
sure that you understand in detail the scope of the job.
If blueprints or drawings will be needed, check to be
Cooperating with others
sure that they are available. Shipcheck each job as soon