Using a Compass to Draw an Ellipse
As you read this section, refer to figure 14-25. An
ellipse that is not accurate but gives a good visual effect
may be drawn, using a compass, as follows:
1. Draw the major and minor axes.
2. Draw a line connecting one end of the major axis
and one end of the minor axis (view A).
Figure 14-24.--An ellipse with major axis AB and minor axis
3. Using a radius equal to half the major axis and
with C as the center, lay off OE on OB (view B).
4. Place the point of the dividers on each comer
4. Using a radius equal to EB, lay off CF on CB
and draw arcs intersecting the sides of the square
(view C).
(view B).
5. Bisect line FB as shown in view D. Extend the
5. Draw lines connecting the intersecting points
bisecting line to intersect AB at X and CD at Y.
and form a regular octagon (view C).
6. Using a radius equal to XB, lay off AX. Using
a radius equal to DY, lay off CY (view D).
7. Using radii XB and XA, draw the arcs, as
The ellipse is a difficult figure to draw. There are
shown in view E.
several ways you can use to draw it. Normally, you are
given the length of the major and minor axes of the
8. Using radii YC and YD, draw the side arcs, as
ellipse (fig. 14-24).
shown in view F.
Figure 14-25.--Drawing an ellipse.