Figure 14-14.--Drawing a fillet or round to two lines that do
not form a right angle.
3. Use the intersection points as alternate centers
for the point of the dividers. Draw intersecting
arcs inside the angle (view B).
4. Use this point of intersection (O) as the center
for the point when you draw the fillet, as shown
in view C.
Use the following steps to draw a fillet or round
Figure 14-12.--Precaution to avoid overdrawing an arc that
when the lines form an angle that is not a right angle.
ends in a straight line.
Look at figure 14-14 as you read these steps.
4. Next, place the point at C and strike another arc
1. Draw lines inside the angle that are parallel to
intersecting the arc at D (view B).
the first two lines. Draw them a distance of a
given radius from the first two lines (view A).
5. Place one divider point where these two arcs
The intersection of these parallel lines will be
intersect and strike an arc to the points of
the center of the fillet's arc.
tangency (view C).
2. Find the exact points of tangency, as shown in
Drawing Arcs Tangent to Two Lines (Fillets
view B.
and Rounds)
3. Now draw the fillet, using the intersection of the
inside lines (point 0) as the center of the circle.
Small arcs tangent to two lines forming an inside
Start at one point of tangency and stop when the
comer are fillets. They must often be drawn after the
arc touches the other point of tangency (view C).
straight lines have been drawn. Small arcs tangent to
two lines forming an outside comer are rounds.
Drawing Large Arcs Tangent to Smaller Arcs
Use the following steps to draw a fillet or round
when two lines form a right angle. Remember, look at
Any of the methods of drawing fillets apply in
figure 14-13 as you read these steps.
laying out large circles or arcs tangent to other arcs. The
trial-and-error method is shown in figure 14-15. In this
1. Adjust the dividers to the required radius.
figure, the arc of a large circle is tangent to two small
2. Place one point of the dividers at the comer of
circles or arcs. Points T and T are estimated as the
the angle, and draw a short arc intersecting each
points of tangency. Use them to find the intersecting
straight line (view A). Intersection points of the
arcs at point O. Point 0 is used as the center in drawing
arcs and the lines are the point of tangency.
the arc from T to T.
Figure 14-15.--Trial-and-error method of drawing a large
Figure 14-13.--Drawing a fillet or round to a right angle.
arc tangent to two smaller arcs.