TM 55-2815-574-24
Figure 7. Diesel Engine External Components Aft View.
Cooling System
Coolant is circulated through the engine by a centrifugal-type water pump, which is located on the forward end of
the engine. Heat is removed from the coolant, which circulates in a closed system, by the heat exchanger also on
the forward end of the engine. Control of the engine temperature is accomplished by thermostats located on the
forward end of the engine, which regulate the flow of the coolant within the cooling system. The closed cooling
system filter is located on the forward starboard corner of the engine, which cleans the coolant of dirt, sediment,
and oxidation. The coolant level is checked and filled through a cap located on the top of the heat exchanger.
The engine raw water cooling system consists of a seachest, a butterfly valve, and a duplex strainer which are all
discussed in TM 55-1925-205-23. The engine raw water pump is located on the aft end of the engine, which
circulates raw water through the entire raw water system. The fuel cooler is located on the port side of the engine.
The marine gear oil cooler is located on the starboard side of the engine.
Fuel System
The fuel system is an integrated part of the diesel engine. The fuel is pumped by a gear-type fuel pump located
on the aft end of the engine blower. The fuel is cleaned by a fuel filter located on the starboard side of the engine.
Fuel injectors, located in the cylinder heads, properly meter the fuel to the engine. Fuel manifolds, located in the
cylinder head casting, supply an ample amount of fuel for the injectors to draw from. The excess fuel is then
pumped through the fuel cooler located on the port side of the engine where it is cooled prior to being sent back to
the fuel tank. A manual primer pump is located on forward starboard corner and is used to prime the fuel system
after sitting in storage.