TM 55-2815-574-24
Figure 8. Diesel Engine Internal Components.
Crankshaft Group
The crankshaft is located on the lower center line of the engine and is used to convert the linear motion of the
pistons to rotational torque which may be used by the rest of the drivetrain. The cross head pistons are located,
four per side, in both the port and starboard banks of the engine block. The pistons connect to the crankshaft with
connecting rods.
Camshaft Group
The port and starboard camshafts are located just outboard of the after cooler, running parallel to the crankshaft,
providing synchronous operation of the exhaust valves and the injectors, which are located on both port and
starboard cylinder heads. The camshaft is driven by a timed set of gears located on the aft end of the engine
which also drives the blower drive gear.