Assignment 1Administration,Supervision,andTrainingTextbookAssignment:Enginemanl&C;NAVEDTRA10543-E1,Pages1-1through2-12In this course you will demonstrate that learning has taken place by correctly answering train-ing items. The mere physical act of indicating a choice on an answer sheet is not in itself impor-tant; it is the mental achievement, in whatever form it may take, prior to the physical act that isimportant and toward which correspondence course learningobjectivesare directed. The selectionof the correct choice for a correspondence course training item indicates that you have fulfilled,at least in part, the stated objective(s).The accomplishment of certain objectives, for example, a physicalact such as drafting a memo,cannot readily be determined by means of objective type correspondence course items; however, youcan demonstrate by means of answers to training items that you have acquired the requisite knowledgeto perform the physical act. The accomplishment of certain other learning objectives, for example,the mentalacts of comparing, recognizing, evaluating, choosing, selecting, etc., may be readilydemonstrated in a correspondence course by indicating the correct answers to training items.The comprehensiveobjective for this course has already been given. It states the purpose ofthe course in terms of what you will be able to do as you complete the course.The detailedobjectives in' each assignment state what you should accomplish as you progressthrough the course. They may appear singly or in clusters of closely related objectives, asappropriate; they are followed by items which will enable you to indicate your accomplishment.All objectives in this course are learningobjectives and items are teachingitems. They pointout important things, they assist in learning, and they should enable you to do a better job forthe Navy.This self-study course is only one part of the total Navy training program; by its very natureit can take you only part of the way to a training goal. Practical experience, schools, selectedreading, and the desire to accomplish are also necessary to round out a fully meaningful trainingprogram.1-3.When talking to a group of trainees aboutLearning Objective:Recognize some ofdiesel engines, why should you use precisethe increased responsibilities relatedtechnical and standard Navy terms?to advancement and point out some of thepractices that should be followed when1.To convey information accurately,training personnel.simply, and clearly2.To take advantage of the opportunityfor self-improvementQuestions 1-1 and 1-2 are to be judged3.To avoid criticism from traineesTrue or False.having higher formal education4.To impress the trainees1-1.The successful accomplishment of the1-4.What should you do to prevent a wideNavy's mission depends on continuoustraining level gap which occurs whentraining of its personnel.highly skilled personnel are transferred?1-2.With each advancement, you MUST accept1.Require strikers to devote off-dutyan increased responsibility in militarytime to increase their proficiencymatters only.2.Help those trainees who have troublewith their task3.Emphasize training with movies, ratherthan on-the-job training4.Conduct a continuous training program1
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