1-45.Which of the following persons isresponsible for reviewing and signing theEngineering Log each day to indicate thatall entries are complete and accurate?1.Petty officer of the watch2.CPO with the day's duty3.Engineer officer4.Main propulsion officerQuestion 1-46 is to be judged Trueor False.1-46.Neither the petty officer of the watch,the CPO who wrote the log, nor theengineer officer may, without firstobtaining permission, enter changes oradditions to the Engineering Log after ithas been signed by the commandingofficer.1-47.A new series of page numbers added to theEngineering Log are used starting withthe first day of each1-51.If the bridge signals ahead 1/3 on theengine order telegraph and ahead 35 onthe engine revolution telegraph, whatentry should the throttleman make in (a)column 2 and (b) column 3 of theEngineer's Bell Book?1.(a) Column 2: blank;(b) column 3: 352.(a) Column 2: I; (b) column 3: blank3.(a) Column 2: I; (b) column 3: 354.(a) Column 2: 1/3; (b) column 3: 35Questions 1-52 through 1-54 are to bejudged True or False.1-52.Ships with controllable reversible pitchpropellers must record in the Engineer'sBell Book any signaled speed changes bynoting the shaft counter readings.1-53.The engine miles underway are calculatedfrom the counter readings taken each houron the hour recorded in column 4 of theEngineer's Bell Book.1.month1-54.Before being relieved of the watch, the2.quarterthrottleman of the machinery spaces3.fiscal yearshould initial the Engineer's Bell Book4.calendar yearon the line following the last entry.1-48.A ship's Engineer's Bell Booklegal record concerning theprovides a1.operating efficiency and generalperformance of the ship's engineeringplant2.time of any change in movement of theship's propellers3.operating efficiency of the ship'sengineering plant only4.general performance of the ship'sengineering plant only1-49.Who normally makes entries in theEngineer's Bell Book while the ship issteaming at sea?1-55.By whom and under what conditions is theEngineer's Bell Book maintained on a shipequipped with controllable reversiblepitch propellers and with engines thatare directly controlled either by theengineroom or from the bridge?1.By bridge personnel at all times2.By engineroom personnel at all times3.By bridge personnel when engines aredirectly controlled from the bridgeand by engineroom personnel at allother times4.By engineroom personnel when enginesare directly controlled from thebridge and by bridge personnel at allother times1.The messenger2.The throttleman1-56.3.The CPO on duty4.The EOOW1-50.While a ship is entering port, entries inthe Engineer's Bell Book may be made bythe1.throttleman's assistant2.engineer officer3.throttleman4.engineering officer of the watchAssume that a ship is equipped withcontrollable reversible pitch propellersand the movement of the propellers is inbridge control.Before going off watch,who signs the Engineer's Bell Book on theline following the last entry?1.Quartermaster of the watch2.Officer of the deck3.Executive officer4.Commanding officer6
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