2-23.A work request to repair a pump shaft hasbeen designated as a ship-to-ship job.Which of the following actions will theship's force personnel be expected toperform?1.Disassemble the pump and remove theshaft2.Deliver the shaft to the repair shop3.Pick up the shaft when the repairwork has been completed4.All of the above2-24.All tests required to be performed byQuality Assurance must be witnessed bythe2-25.1.commanding officer2.ship's force3.type commander4.SIMA repair officerUnder which of the following conditionswould you use the OPNAV Form 4790/2K?1.To request transferring a piece ofequipment to another work center2.To request PMS MaintenanceRequirement Cards3.To request a shipyard's assistance4.To request consumable materials2-26.What is the purpose of the OPNAV Form4790/2L?1.2.To defer a piece of equipmentTo document completion of a joborder3.To request work from an IMA4.To amplify information describedon a 4790/2K2-27.Which of the following forms is anautomated work request producedwith computer capabilities?by an IMA1.OPNAV Form 4790/2K2.OPNAV Form 4790/2L3.OPNAV Form 4790/2Q4.OPNAV Form 13482-28.Checking on the availability of materialsbefore starting work on a maintenance jobis an important part of careful planningbecause failure to do so may result inwhich of the following conditions?1.Wasted effort2.Unsafe working condition3.Useless equipment4.All of the above2-29.The amount of information required to begiven to the personnel doing a particularrepair job will depend largely on whichof the following considerations?1.The safety precautions you expectthem to ignore2.The manhours estimated to completethe job3.The experience of the personnelassigned to the job4.The degree of care with which youexpect to inspect the job uponcompletionQuestion 2-30 is to be judged True orFalse.2-30.A careful inspection should be conductedafter a job has been completed to ensurethat the work was properly performed andthat necessary records or reports havebeen prepared.2-31.When estimating the amount of timerequired to accomplish a repair, whatfactor(s) should you take intoconsideration?1.The personnel who can best do the job2.The number of personnel required forthe work3.The availability of the repairmaterials4.Each of the aboveQuestions 2-32 and 2-33 are to be judgedTrue or False.2-32.The accuracy of job estimates that youmust submit to your division officer isimportant because such estimates mayaffect the operational schedule of theship.2-33.When more than one shop is required tocomplete an engine repair, each shopshould make a separate time estimate ofthe job.2-34.Besides the actual time required for thework itself, what other factors must beconsidered in arriving at a finalestimate for a particular job?1.Drills2.Inspections3.Working parties4.All of the above11
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