Question 1-57 is to be judged Trueor False.1-57.Neat corrections and erasures arepermitted in the Engineer's Bell Book, ifthey are made only by the person requiredto sign the record for the watch and ifthe change is neatly initialed in themargin of the page.1-58.1-62.Learning Objective: Recognize theimportance of operating recordsand reports and indicate factorsaffecting the maintenance anddisposal of such records.1-63.1-64.1-59.1-60.1-61.What is the purpose of maintaining andkeeping engineering operating records andreports?1.Ensure regular inspections ofoperating machinery2.Provide data for performanceanalysis3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Warn of impending casualties tooperating machineryWhen standard engineering operatingforms are not available, who willauthorize the temporary forms to be used?1.Engineer officer2.Executive officer3.Squadron commander4.Type commanderAfter how many years may the DieselEngine Operating Record, All Ships(NAVSEA 9231/2), be destroyed?1.1 yr2.2 yr3.3 yr4.4 yrWhich of the following persons approvesthe diesel engine operating logs?1.Petty Officer of the Watch2.Engineer officer3.Senior engineman4.Watch supervisor1-65.1-66.Why is a daily Fuel and Water Accountmaintained by the engineering department?1.Because it may be used to form thebasis of other reports2.Because it is used to informselected personnel of the liquidload3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Because it must be submitted to thetype commanderIf you were assigned to compute theamount of burnable fuel aboard ship, youwould compute1.all the fuel in the service, storage,and settling tanks2.all the fuel in the service andstorage tanks only3.only the fuel above the service andstorage tank suction line4.only the fuel above the service tanksuction lineQuestion 1-64 is to be judge True orFalse.The original copy of the Fuel and WaterReport is submitted to the commandingofficer daily with the 1200 reports.Questions 1-65 through 1-68 concernthe Monthly Summary of Fuel Inventoryand Steaming Hours Report (short title:Monthly Summary).After the Monthly Summary has been beenprepared, who must verify the amount offuel received for the month?1.The commanding officer2.The supply officer3.The type commander4.The engineer officerWhich of the following is a truestatement about a ship's Monthly Summaryfor a given month?1.The commanding officer signs thecopy which goes to the type commander2.The engineer officer signs the copywhich goes to the files of theengineering department3.The original is forwarded to thefleet commander by the fifth of thenext month4.The hours-not-underway entries aremade on the back of the report7
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