2-11.After an oil sample is received at ashipyard or an IMA, a physical test and aspectrometric analysis are performed.2-16.Learning Objective: Point out someadministrative and supervisoryresponsibilities in relation tosubordinate personnel, the procure-ment of repair parts and materials,scheduling jobs, and estimating timeand materials for a job.2-17.2-12.In addition to the supply officer, who is1.DD Form 1150responsible for taking the initiative in2.DD Form 1348maintaining an adequate supply of3.NAVSUP Form 1250engineering spare parts?4.NAVSUP Form 47571.Engineer officer2.Main propulsion assistant3.Prime users of the parts4.Senior supply petty officer2-13.Aboard ship, which of the following isNOT one of your responsibilities inconnection with maintenance and repair?1.To select materials on the basis ofservice conditions they mustwithstand2.Issue and account for materialrequired for the support of the ship3.Identify repair parts frommachinery that is familiar to you4.Know where to look for informationon repair parts and material you willuse2-14.What should you do when materials andrepair parts are not specified in theinstructions accompanying a job?1.Always use your own judgment2.Never use your own judgment3.Look for the information4.Refuse the job until you are providedwith the information2-15.Which of the following sources ofinformation is helpful in identifying orselecting materials and repair parts?1.Stock cards maintained by the supplyofficer2.Ship's plans and blueprints3.Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List4.All of the above2-18.2-19.2-20.2-21.2-22.Which of the following sources ofinformation should you consult to obtainthe National Stock Numbers of repairparts for a diesel engine cylinder linerand gaskets?1.Planned Maintenance System Manual2.Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List3.Nameplate on the equipment4.Each of the aboveWhat document should you use to request arepair item stocked in the supplydepartment aboard ship?Which of the following sources ofinformation is/are NOT likely to identifythe type of material used inmanufacturing a gear for a fuel oilservice pump?1.Nameplate on the pump2.Stock cards maintained by the supplyofficer3.Ship's plans and blueprints4.Coordinated Shipboard Allowance ListQuestions 2-19 and 2-20 are toTrue or False.be judgeWhen unable to locate the National StockNumber of an item you are requesting froma shipboard supply department, you shouldfurnish the supply personnel with enoughstandard information to help identify theitem.SECAS is the designated systemresponsible for maintaining the CASREPstatus of your ship.Who is responsible for ensuring that theproper documentation is completed andprocessed as described in Volume II ofOPNAVINST 4790.411.The commanding officer2.The engineer officer3.The work center supervisor4.The ship's 3-M coordinatorAt the individual equipment level, whichof the following forms is used to reporta configuration change?1.OPNAV Form 12502.OPNAV Form 13483.OPNAV Form 4790/2K4.OPNAV Form 4790/CK10
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