1-67.Where may you find additional information1-70.The Engineering Log must be retainedregarding the use of definitions andaboard ship for a period of how manyexplanations in the preparation of theyears?Monthly Summary?1.OPNAVINST 5213.72.NWIP 10-1 (revised)3.Fleet Commander's Instructions4.OPNAVINST 3540.1Question 1-68 is to be judged Trueor False.1.1yr2.2 yr3.3 yr4.4 yr1-71.What disposition is made of a ship'sEngineer's Bell Book if the ship isscrapped?1-68.Many engineer officers facilitate thepreparation of the Monthly Summary byrecording operating information on adaily basis.1-69.Information about engineering recordsthat must be kept permanently iscontained in1.Naval Ship's Technical Manual2.SECNAVINST P5212.53.NAVSHIPS 50834.NAVSHIPS 36481.It is scrapped2.It is sent to the nearest NavalRecords Management Center3.It is sent to NAVSHIPS4.It is sent to BUDOCKS1-72.A NAVSEA report that has served itspurpose and is no longer useful may bedestroyed after how many months?1.1 month2.12 months3.3 months4.24 months8
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