Question 1-5 is to be judged Trueor False.1-5.As an EN advances, he should become morefamiliar with the work of other ratingsso that he may direct the work of hisgroup for maximum benefit of theorganization as a whole.1-6.Why should petty officers strive con-stantly to improve their grammar usage?1.To vitalize instruction2.To impress trainees3.To avoid criticism4.To exchange ideas1-7.Why should a petty officer know theprecise meanings of engineeringtechnical terms?1.To convey information accurately2.To obtain information from officialpublications related to his work3.To understand questions onwritten examinations for advancement4.All of the aboveQuestion 1-8 is to be judged True orFalse.1-8.If you hear anything that is newconcerning the operation and maintenanceof diesel engine fuel equipment, youshould find out everything you can aboutit.1-9.What should you do to keep abreast of newdevelopments that affect you, your work,and the Navy?1-10.1.Find up-to-date information and checkthat which pertains to your rate2.Collect personal copies of pertinenttechnical manuals3.Complete all enlisted correspondencecourses that pertain to your rating4.Complete all officer correspondencecourses that are related to yourratingWhich of the following statements regard-ing the "Quals" Manual is correct?1.It is issued annually by the Bureau ofNaval Personnel2.It covers only the professionalrequirements for personnel advancement3.It lists qualifications for generalratings but not for service ratings4.It covers both military andprofessional requirements foradvancement in all rates and ratings1-11.You should provide each person in yourdivision with detailed information ontraining manuals that should be studiedfor advancement.What publicationsshould you consult to obtain thisinformation?1.Shipboard Training Manual2.Guide for Enlisted Classification3.Bibliography for AdvancementExamination Study4.Manual for Qualifications forAdvancementLearning Objective: Identify someof the military and occupationalduties performed by EN1s and ENCs.1-12.1-13.1-14.1-15.As an EN1 or ENC you may be required toperform which of the following assign-ments?1.Maintenance and repair of machinery2.Planning and organizing work details3.Training and supervising lower rates4.All of the aboveThe duties required of an EN1 or ENC mayinclude whi ch of the following actions?1.Instructing watchstanders in theperformance of their duties2.Ensuring that safety precautions areposted in conspicuous places3.Familiarization with equipment usedby all other engineering ratings4.All of the aboveExcept in cases of an emergency, theengineering officer of the watch mustbe authorized to turn the ship's mainengines by which of the followingpersonnel?1.Navigator2.Executive officer3.Officer of the deck4.Commanding officerA ship is underway when a lubricatingoil casualty occurs in a main reductiongear. The casualty should be promptlyreported to which of the followingpersonnel?1.Officer of the deck2.Engineer officer3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Main propulsion assistant2
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