Chapter 2—ADMINISTRATION, SUPERVISION, AND TRAININGan up-to-date status of the operational conditionof the assumed equipment assigned and in train-ing newly assigned personnel. To assist the spacesupervisor in this effort, the EOP section providesthe following Stage II documents:required valves, switches, and controllers. StageIII documents include:Index pages listing each document byidentification number and title for each specifiedoperating group such as engineroom, fireroom,electrical, etc.Index pages listing each document by iden-tification number and title for each specifiedsystem such as fuel-oil service system, lube oilservice system, etc.Space procedure charts (similar to the plantprocedure chart) providing the step-by-step pro-cedure to be accomplished within a space to satisfyand support the requirements of the plant pro-cedure charts.Component procedure cards providingstep-by-step procedures for systems alignment orcomponent operation.Component procedure cards as required tosupport each operation or alignment.Space status board providing a schematicof major systems and a tabular listing of themajor equipment within the individual machineryspaces for maintaining a plot of systemsalignments and equipment operating status. Thisboard is similar in configuration to that providedfor the Stage I documentation (figure 2-20).Alignment diagrams (figure 2-23) ampli-fying the written procedure to assist thecomponent operator in proper systems alignment.Alignment diagrams are provided whenever twoor more alignment conditions exist for a givensystem or component.Diagram for Electrical Plant Status (DLS)delineating generators, switchboards, and shore-power connections within the electrical distribu-tion systems. The DLS is provided in both theelectrical operating group and in the Stage I(EOOW) documentation for maintaining a plotof the system alignment.The operational use of EOP documentationis of primary importance at all levels in con-trolling, supervising, and operating the evolutionalfunctions of the engineering plant.Diagram for plant steaming conditions ver-sus optimum generator combinations provided inthe electrical operating group documentationdelineating the preferred electric power generatorcombination. This diagram is the same as thatprovided in the Stage I documentation.E N G I N E E R I N G O P E R A T I O N A LCASUALTY CONTROL (EOCC).—The casu-alty control portion of EOSS contains informa-tion relative to the recognition of casualtysymptoms and their probable causes and effects.In addition, it contains information on preven-tive action to be taken to preclude a casualty andon procedures for controlling single and multi-ple source casualties.Training diagrams of each major pipingsystem developed for Stage I, plus diagrams ofsuch systems as fuel-oil service, and main enginelube oil that are normally located within themachinery spaces.Stage III is considered as the system compo-nent level attended by the component operators.The component operators place equipment in andout of operation, align systems, and monitor andcontrol their operation by manipulating theCasualty prevention must be the concern ofeveryone on board. Proper training of all person-nel must provide for adequate knowledge andexperience in effective casualty prevention. TheEOCC manual contains efficient, technically cor-rect casualty control and prevention procedureswhich relate to all phases of an engineering plant.The EOCC documents elaborate on possiblecasualties caused by error, material failure, andbattle. The EOCC manual describes tried andproven methods for the control of a casualty andprevention of further damage to the component,the system, or the engineering plant concerned.2-37
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