ENGINEMAN 1 & Cadministration of the ship as a whole, and theadministration of each department. In this discus-sion we will consider the engineering departmentonly.The purpose of the administrative inspectionis to determine whether or not (1) the departmentis being administered in an intelligent, sound, andefficient manner; and (2) the organizational andadministrative methods and procedures aredirected toward the objective of every navalship-namely, being prepared to carry out itsintended mission.Inspecting PartyIt is a routine procedure for one ship to con-duct an inspection of a similar division on anothership. General instructions for conducting theinspection are usually given by the division com-mander; however, the selecting and organizing ofthe inspecting party is done aboard the ship thatmust conduct the inspection.The chief inspector, usually the commandingofficer of the ship, will organize the assistingboard. The organization of the assisting board,in general conformance with the departmentalorganization of the ship, is divided into ap-propriate groups, each headed by an inspectorwith as many assistant inspectors as necessary.Chief petty officers and petty officers first classmay be assigned as assistant inspectors.2-40The engineering department inspecting group(or party) is organized and supervised by theengineer officer. The manner in which anindividual inspection is carried out depends to agreat extent upon the knowledge and ability ofthe members of the group (or party).General Inspection ofthe Ship as a WholeOne of the two categories of administrativeinspection is the general administration of the shipas a whole. Items of this inspection that will havea direct bearing on the engineering department,and for which the report of inspection indicatesa grade, are as follows:1. Appearance, bearing, and smartness ofpersonnel.2. Cleanliness, sanitation, smartness, and ap-pearance of the ship as a whole.3. Adequacy and condition of clothing andequipment of personnel.4. General knowledge of personnel in regardto the ship’s organization, ship’s orders, and ad-ministrative procedures.5. Dissemination of all necessary informationamong the personnel.6. Indoctrination of newly reportedpersonnel.7. General education facilities for individuals.8. Comfort and conveniences of living spaces,including adequacy of light, heat, ventilation, andfreshwater.9. Economy of resources.Engineering Department InspectionThe engineering department administrativeinspection is primarily the inspection of theengineering department paper work, whichincludes publications, bills, files, books, records,and logs. Additionally, this inspection includesother items with which the chief and first classmust be concerned. Some of these items are thecleanliness and preservation of machinery andengineering spaces; the training of personnel; theassignment of personnel to watches and duties;the proper posting of operating instructions andsafety precautions; the adequacy of warning signsand guards; the marking and labeling of lines andvalves; and the proper maintenance of operatinglogs.Administrative InspectionCheckoff ListsAdministrative inspection checkoff lists areusually furnished to the ships by the typecommander. These lists are used as an aid forinspecting officers and chiefs, to assist them inensuring that no important item is overlooked.However, inspecting personnel should not acceptthese lists as being all-inclusive, since usuallyduring an inspection, additional items developthat must be considered or observed.As a petty officer, you should be familiar withthe various checkoff lists used for inspections.
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