For specific instructions on how to takemeasurements with a dial/vernier caliper, refer to eitherthe manufacturer’s instructions or to Tools and TheirUses, NAVEDTRA 10085-B2.Regardless of what type of caliper you use, be sureto take the following precautions to avoid damaging thecaliper:1. Wash your hands before you handle the verniercaliper to remove dirt and oils that might damage thecaliper.2. Wipe the caliper components clean both beforeand after you use the caliper.3. Do NOT drop or otherwise mishandle thecaliper. Doing so may damage or destroy the caliper.Figure 2-3 illustrates the use of a dial/vernier caliperin measuring the inside and outside diameters of twodifferent components.Figure 2-3.—Measuring (A) inside and (B) outside diameterswith a dial/vernier caliper.The micrometer is a precision measuring instrumentused to measure distances between surfaces inthousandths of an inch Figure 2-4 shows the mostcommon types of micrometers.Most micrometers have a frame, anvil, spindle,sleeve, thimble, and ratchet stop.Micrometers are used to measure the outsidediameters; inside diameters; the distance betweenparallel surfaces; the depth of holes, slots, counterbores,and recesses; and the distance from a surface to somerecessed part. There are other uses of micrometers, butthose mentioned here are uses you are most likely toencounter. Instructions on how to read a micrometer aregiven in the manufacturer’s owner’s manual and Toolsand Their Uses, NAVEDTRA 10085-B2.Whenever you use a micrometer, carefully observethe “DO’s” and “DON’Ts” in the following list to obtainaccurate measurements and to protect the instrument:Figure 2-4.—Common types of micrometers.2-3
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