tools, such as rakes, shovels, lutes, and hand tampers,on asphalt paving jobs, these tools should be heatedbefore use and cleaned immediately after use. It iscommon practice to clean these hand tools by burningoff the bitumen, collected during paving operations.Crew members should exercise caution and beforewarned that flames are not always visible. Oneperson should stand by with a fire extinguisher capableof controlling a petroleum fire.manner.In some areas, oiling roads and cleaning asphaltequipment could cause damage to the environment.This is especially important if there are streams orwaterways nearby that could be contaminated.Supervisors and crew members should be advised priorto the start of a job if there are any environmentalconsiderations at the site. Dispose of contaminated ragsand waste materials in an environmentally responsibleAll personnel should be instructed to reportimmediately all personal injuries and all propertydamage regardless of how minor. Reports should beprepared according to the instructions set forth in baseor command publications.16-44
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