APPENDIX IGLOSSARYAGGREGATE— Crushed rock or gravel, screened tosizes for use in road surfaces, concrete, orbituminous mixes.ANGLING DOZER (Angledozer)—A bulldozer with ablade that can be pivoted on a vertical center pin soas to cast its load to either side.APRON— The front gate of a scraper body.ASPHALT— A dark brown to black cementitiousmaterial in which the predominating constituentsare bitumens that occur in nature or are obtained inpetroleum processing. Asphalt is a constituent invarying proportions of most crude petroleums.ASPHALT CEMENT— A fluxed or unfluxed asphaltspecially prepared as to quality and consistency fordirect use in the manufacture of asphalt pavements.ASPHALT CONCRETE— High-quality thoroughlycontrolled hot mixture of asphalt cement andwell-graded, high-quality aggregate, thoroughlycompacted into a uniform, dense mass.ASPHALT LEVELING COURSE— A course (asphaltaggregate mixture) of variable thickness used toeliminate irregularities in the contour of an existingsurface before a superimposed treatment orconstruction.ASPHALT, MEDIUM-CURING (MC)— Cutbackasphalt, composed of asphalt cement and a kerosenetype of diluent of medium volatility.ASPHALT, RAPID-CURING (RC)— Cutback asphalt,composed of asphalt cement and naphtha orgasoline type of diluent of high volatility.ASPHALT, SLOW-CURING (SC)— Cutback asphalt,composed of asphalt cement and oils of lowvolatility.AUGER— A rotating drill having a screw thread thatcarries cuttings away from the face.AUXILIARY— A helper or standby engine or unit.AXIS OF ROTATION— The vertical line around whichthe upper structure rotates.AXLE, LIVE— A revolving horizontal shaft.BACKFILL— (1) The material used in refilling a ditchor other excavation. (2) The process of suchrefilling.BAIL BLOCK— Block attached to a dragline bucket,through which rope line is reeved. Also referred toas “PADLOCK.”BAIL (BUCKET)— A yoke or spreader, hinged to thesides of a dragline bucket, to which is attached aconnecting sheave or chain for hoisting anddragging operations.BALL JOINT— A connection, consisting of a ball andsocket, that will allow a limited hinge movement inany direction.BANK— Specifically, a mass of soil rising above adigging or trucking level. Generally, any soil that isto be dug from its natural position.BANK GRAVEL— Gravel found in natural deposits,usually more or less intermixed with fine material,such as sand or clay, and combinations thereof;gravelly clay, gravelly sand, clayey gravel, andsandy gravel indicate the varying proportions of thematerials in the mixture.BASE COURSE— The layer of material immediatelybeneath the surface or intermediate course. It maybe composed of crushed stone, crushed slag,crushed or uncrushed gravel and sand, orcombinations of these materials. It also may bebound with asphalt.BANK YARDS— Yards of soil or rock measured in itsoriginal position (before digging).BEDROCK— Solid rock, as distinguished fromboulders.BENCH— A working level or step in a cut that is madein several layers.BINDER— (1) Fines which hold gravel together when itis dry. (2) A deposit check that makes a contractvalid.BITUMEN— A class of black or dark-colored (solid,semisolid, or viscous) cementitious substance,natural or manufactured, composed principally ofAI-1
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