3. Place clothing in plastic bags maintained
outside the space, using caution not to contaminate
Once each watch, conduct an inspection of CHT
the outside of the bag.
tanks, pumping systems, and piping. Ensure
4. Secure the plastic bag. (NOTE: The plastic
watertight integrity and the absence of
bags must not be allowed in an immediate
maintenance area.)
these inspections. Report any discrepancies
immediately to the CDO in port and to the OOD
when underway.
5. Clean boots, goggles, and respirators with
hot water and a stock detergent. Then disinfect
Training should be provided for personnel who
decontaminate spaces contaminated by raw sewage
Disassemble equipment for complete
or effluent from the CHT system. This same
training should also be provided to personnel whose
duties require them to enter spaces subject to
6. Place disinfected equipment outside the
contaminated space as it is cleaned.
7. You must completely scrub your hands,
NOTE: Notify the DCA and senior MDR on
lower arms, and face in that order with hot water
the status of any holding or other MSD whenever
and soap and dry them with equipment provided in
there is a threat to the ship by reason of hostilities,
the space.
fire, flooding, or conditions that could turn the tank
8. Place paper towels or other remaining waste
ship should have developed plans and drills to
or cleaning materials in doubled plastic trash can
liners and then discard them with the ship's trash.
these occurrences.
9. After completing these necessary actions,
you may leave the space.
10. Immediately transfer the plastic bag with the
contaminated clothing enclosed to the laundry for
In 1972, the Navy began installing the CHT
sewage collection system in ships that could use this
concept is the cheapest and safest way to solve the
sewage disposal problem aboard ship.
After you have completed your work on the
sewage system or cleanup of a sewage spill, deliver
Most operational ships of the fleet will be
the plastic bag containing your clothing to the
equipped with CHT. These systems can hold
laundry. The laundry personnel should clean the
sewage produced over a 12-hour period. If the
clothing used during maintenance or cleanup
CHT system is not feasible, another type of MSD
procedures using standard laundering procedures.
will be installed. This TRAMAN will only discuss
the CHT type of sanitation system.
When a contaminated space has been sanitized,
the senior MDR inspects the space and certifies, in
The CHT system accepts soil and waste drains
writing to the commanding officer, that it has been
from water closets, urinals, showers, laundries, and
adequately decontaminated. Until the space has
galleys. It is made up of three elements-the
been certified, consider it contaminated. All
collection element, the holding element, and the
personnel entering the space should follow the
transfer element-which are described and discussed
decontamination safety procedures outlined in the
in the following paragraphs.
previous paragraphs.