responsible for the compartment in which MSD
--Wash down ANY spilled sewage immediately
components are located.
before it dries. Use hot water and stock detergent
initially and then follow with an authorized
All leaks, spills or other sources of
disinfectant where required. Do NOT use liquid
soaps or unauthorized disinfectants. They may
at any time shall be promptly reported to the
temporarily disguise inadequate cleanup procedures.
executive officer, engineering officer/damage control
officer, and the MDR. Immediate and appropriate
--Always follow recommended personal hygiene
action should be taken to stop the leak and properly
routines after working in a sewage handling area or
clean and disinfect the contaminated area.
after being in contact with sewage handling
--Install drip pans under comminutors and
If equipment or personnel are located in
pumps located off the deck.
sensitive areas or are contaminated with sewage to
an extent that disinfection is required, the items
--Install drip pans under all valves, flanges, and
listed in the following paragraphs should be used for
take-down joints located in food preparation spaces,
shipboard use. A disinfectant will do little good
messing areas where eating utensils are washed, and
unless sewage solids are removed from the
living spaces.
equipment or surface.
--Keep a close watch on the sewage system and
NOTE: If in doubt concerning the use of
take immediate corrective action on all leaks.
disinfectants, consult the medical officer or senior
--If you handle or connect sewage transfer
Use care when you store, mix, and use any of
you wash yourself and change into clean clothing.
the following items.
Follow all of the
manufacturers' instructions exactly. While other
--Have the gas-free engineer check spaces, such
disinfectants presently in the stock system may
as holding tanks and voids, before you use any open
perform equally as well, you should not make
flames, flashlights, or other electrical equipment in
substitutions unless properly authorized.
or near them.
Decks, Bulkheads, and Equipment
When you are required to disinfect a
Various inspections must be conducted
compartment and the installed equipment, use one
periodically on the sewage systems and associated
of these authorized disinfectants:
equipment. These inspections are required by type
commander instructions, NAVMED P-5010-7, and
PHENOL BASE: Germicidal and fungicidal
NSTM, chapter 593, and are as follows:
concentrate phenolic, dry type; NSN
--A visual inspection of MSD componenets by a
Medical Department representative (MDR) as part
IODINE BASE: Providone-iodine solution,
of the routine habitability and sanitation inspection
NSN 6505-00-754-0374.
program. The MDR's routine inspection should be
limited to those spaces where there is an interface
IODINE BASE: Disinfectant, germicidal, and
between MSD components and the food service
f u n g i c i d a l concentrate (iodine type); NSN
areas, living spaces, and medical spaces.
disease outbreaks if undetected or not properly
cleaned and disinfected.
After working on sewage systems, sewage
--Regular inspection of MSD components for
equipment, or cleaning up from a sewage spill,
l e a k s by appropriate engineering personnel