BRONZE --A nonferrous alloy composed of copper
AISI --American Iron and Steel Institute.
and tin and sometimes other elements.
ABRASIVE --A hard, tough substance that has many
sharp edges.
instrument or device to produce a standardized
ALLOWANCE --The difference between maximum
output with a given input.
size limits of mating parts.
CARBON--An alloying element.
ALLOYING--The procedure of adding elements
other than those usually comprising a metal or alloy
CASTING--A metal object made by pouring melted
to change its characteristics and properties.
metal into a mold.
ALLOYING ELEMENTS--Elements added to
CHAMFER --A bevel surface formed by cutting away
nonferrous and ferrous metals and alloys to change
the angle of one or two intersecting faces of a piece
their characteristics and properties.
of material.
CONTOUR --The outline of a figure or body.
slow cooling.
DRIFT PIN--A conical-shaped pin gradually tapered
ARBOR--The principal axis member, or spindle, of a
from a blunt point to a diameter larger than the hole
machine by which a motion of revolution is
DUCTILITY --The ability to be molded or shaped
ASTM--American Society for Testing Metals.
without breaking.
BABBITT --A lead base alloy used for bearings.
EXTRACTOR--Tool used in removal of broken taps.
BEND ALLOWANCE--An additional amount of
FABRICATE --To shape, assemble, and secure in
metal used in a bend in metal fabrication.
place component parts to form a complete device.
BENCH MOLDING--The process of making small
FALSE CHUCK--Sometimes applied to the facing
molds on a bench.
material used in rechucking a piece of work in the
BEVEL--A term for a plane having any angle other
than 90 to a given reference plane.
FATIGUE --The tendency of a material to break under
repeated strain.
BINARY ALLOY--An alloy of two metals.
FILE FINISH--Finishing a metal surface with a file.
BISECT--To divide into two equal parts.
FILLET--A concave internal corner in a metal
BLOWHOLE --A hole in a casting caused by trapped
air or gases.
FINISH ALLOWANCE--An amount of stock left on
BOND--Appropriate substance used to hold grains
the surface of a casting to allow for machine
together in grinding wheels.
BORING BAR--A tool used for boring, counter-
FINISH MARKS--Marks used to indicate the degree
boring, reboring, facing, grooving, and so forth,
of smoothness of finish to be achieved on surfaces
where true alignment is of primary importance.
to be machined.
GRAIN--The cutting particles of a grinding wheel.
HARDNESS --The ability of a material to resist
causes it to break or snap suddenly with little or no
prior sign of deformation.