Question 4-18 is to be judged True orFalse.4-18.The two basic types of heat exchangersused on engines are radiator and tubular.4-19.In the Harrison-type heat exchanger, howdo the liquid coolants pass through theunit?4-20.1.Freshwater passes through the tubes,and seawater passes around the tubes2.Freshwater passes through the tubes,and freshwater passes through thetubes3.Seawater passes through the tubes,and freshwater passes around thetubes4.Seawater passes through the tubes,and the seawater passes around tubesHow is excessive scale on the cooler of aheat exchanger usually indicated?1.By a slow increase in freshwatertemperature2.By a similiarity between inlet andoutlet pressures3.By the decrease in freshwatertemperature4.By a rise in the freshwater tanklevel4-21.The temperature in the saltwater coolingsystem of an engine should never beallowed to exceed what maximumtemperature?1.130°F2.140°F3.170°F4.180°F4-22.Which of the following conditions cancause a cooler element to become cloggedwith foreign matter?1.Leak in oil cooler2.Dirty freshwater3.Faulty seawater strainers4.All of the aboveQuestions 4-23 is to be judged True orFalse.4-24.Erosion holes in the cooler element of aheat exchanger are usually caused bywhich of the following conditions?1.A clogged cooler element2.A low-pressure water flow3.Air entrapped in the cooler casing4.Fast movement of grit particles4-25.By which of the following actions willyou cause internal leaks of a heatexchanger element installed in theengine cooling system?1.By increasing the oil temperature ofthe cooler2.By reducing the water pressure to thecooler3.By allowing continued cooleroperation at excessive pressure4.By allowing continued cooleroperation at reduced pressure4-26.The heat exchanger outlet side is used toadmit the proper amount of steam requiredto blow through a clogged cooler elementcontaining which of the followingdeposits?1.Oil2.Sand3.Grease4.Roth 2 and 3 above4-27.YOU are performing an air test on a heatexchanger to check for leaks.Whatshould you do after attaching a pressuregage to the inlet line of the element?1.Immerse the element in a tank ofwater2.Block off the discharge side of theelement3.Admit low-pressure air to the inletside of the element4.Remove the element from the casing4-28.Which of the following methods should youuse to make an emergency repair to astrut-type heat exchanger?1.Plug the tube2.Replace the element3.Soft solder the element4.Silver solder the element4-23.Overlubrication of the circulating waterpump bearings will NOT affect the coolingcapacity to the heat exchanger element.24
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