4-11.The temperature at the bulb of thetemperature regulator drops below the settemperature and the valve positionindicator shows COOLER CLOSED. Which ofthe following remedial measures shouldyou take?1.Secure the packing gland nut wrenchtight2.Grind the valve seats until a perfectseal is achieved3.Insert the bulb into the ship'spiping in the horizontal positionwith the arrow on the indicator diskpoint downward4.Insert the bulb into the ship'spiping in the vertical position withthe nut at the top of the unit4-12.Why should a liquid filled bulb of atemperature regulator be installedeither in the vertical position with thenut up or in the horizontal position withthe arrow up?1.To allow the liquid level to be abovethe end of the internal capillarytube2.To allow the liquid level to be belowthe capillary tube3.To prevent liquid from effecting thebellows4.To ensure that the arrow on theindicator disk is always pointingupwardWhen answering questions 4-13 through4-15, assume you are in the process ofadjustinga temperature regulator to the dieselengine freshwater cooling system.4-13.The manual crankpin should be rotateduntil the pointer is aligned with whichof the following marked positions on theindicator plate?1.Cooler closed2.Cooler bypass3.Thermostatic4.Each of the above4-14.When is the indicator slid up or down foradjustment to the proper position?1.After the lower end of the seatingsleeve comes in contact with thelower end of the thermostatic stem2.Before the lower end of the seatingsleeve comes in contact with thelower end of the thermostatic stem3.After the lower end of the seatingsleeve comes in contact with theupper end of the thermostatic stem4.Before the upper end of the seatingsleeve comes in contact with thelower end of the valve stem4-15.The indicator plate is secured and thepointer and thermostatic center marks arealigned.What is the final valve stemadjustment you should make prior totightening the locknut?1.Two complete turns into thethermostatic stem past the seatingsleeve contact2.One complete turn into thethermostatic stem past the seatingsleeve contact3.Two complete turns into thethermostatic stem past the poppetvalve seating position4.One complete turn into thethermostatic stem past the poppetvalve seating position4-16.If the desired temperature of the waterin a diesel engine cooling system is160°F, a properly adjusted temperatureregulator will maintain the water at atemperature between1.150° and 160°F2.150° and 170°F3.160° and 170°F4.160° and 18O°FLearning Objective: Recognize thepurpose and types of heat exchangers;indicate what factors affect theiroperation; and point out the methods ofmaintenance and repair.4-17.In a marine cooling system installation,which of the following engine coolantsmay be circulated through a heatexchanger?1.Oil2.Freshwater3.Saltwater4.Both 2 and 3 above23
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