Assignment 4ENGINEMAINTENANCETextbook Assignment: Engineman1&C,NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 3-1 through 3-24Learning Objective: Describe theprocedure and equipments used toinspect and test-run dieselengines.4-1.4-2.4-3.4-4.4-5.Questions 4-1 through 4-4 are to bejudged True or False.A comparatively minor engine malfunction,if not recognized and remedied in itsearly stages,never develops into amajor casualty.Work center personnel must learn torecognize symptoms of developingmalfunctions by using the senses of sight,hearing, smell, and touch.Because of the safety features which arecommonly incorporated in pumps and similarequipment, considerable loss of capacitymay occur before any external evidence ofdamage is apparent.When a material failure occurs in anyunit, a prompt inspection of all similarunits will NOT prevent a wave of similarcasualties.A spring-balanced indicator uses which ofthe following types of pistons?1.Trunk2.Inverted3.Ball4.Check22Questions 4-6 and 4-7 are to be judgedTrue or False.4-6.The Kiene indicator is used only tomeasure the firing pressure of an engine.4-7. A multivolt meter is used to measure thevoltage produced by the thermocouplesinstalled in an engine's exhaust system.Learning Objective:Specify whatmaintenance and adjustments are requiredon temperature regulators, and recognizesome of the troubles that may beencountered.Question 4-8 is to be judged True orFalse.4-8.For maximum temperature control, the bulbof the temperature regulator should alwaysbe installed in the inlet side of theengine cooling water piping system.4-9.At which of the following points shouldthe valve stem of a temperature regulatorbe lubricated?1.Where the valve stem enters thestuffing box2.Around the threaded sleeve used formanual control3.Both 1 and 2 above4.At the temperature adjustingwheel4-10.What should you do if the temperatureof the freshwater leaving the enginebecomes too high when the regulatoris set on the lowest adjustment setting?1.Make sure that the manual pointer isset at the THERMOSTATIC position2.Make sure that the packing gland isnot binding the valve stem and thevalve stem is not stuck in theminimum cooling position3.Make sure that the temperaturecontrol element is operating properly4.All of the above
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