3-60.3-61.3-62.3-63.3-64.3-65.3-66.Who determines the full-power rpmrequirements for a ship that is runninga full-power trial?1.The chief observer2.The type commander3.BUSHIPS4.The Chief of Naval OperationsQuestion 3-61 is to be judged True orFalse.Before the official full power trialperiod starts, the ship is normallyoperated at full power long enough topermit all readings to become constant.An economy trial isover a period ofnormally conducted3-67.When a minimum draft has NOT beenspecified by trial requirements, theliquid loading should NOT be less thanwhat percentage of the full loadcapacity?3-68.1.25%2.50%3.75%4.90%When should the chief observer determinethe ship's draft and trim for a trial?1.Before and after the trial2.At the middle of the trial3.At the start, middle, and end of thetrial4.Every hour of the trial1.6 hr2.5 hr3.3 hr4.4 hrQuestion 3-63 is to be judged True orFalse.3-69.A competitive trial report normallyincludes data on1.condenser water injection anddischarge temperatures2.consumption of fuel oil per hour3.bearing clearances before and afterthe trialWhen a ship fails a performance trial,4.ship's trim under full powerthe type commander may specify a retrialwhich he deems appropriate to, demonstrate3-70.How often are readings taken and recordedsatisfactory engineering readiness.during an economy trial?Which of the following actions is NOT aduty of the assistant chief observer?1. Taking counter readings2. Supervising the engineroom observers3. Checking tank soundings4. Checking fuel oil meter readings3-71.Which of the following personnel makesout the economy trial report?1.Commanding officer2.Chief observer3.Assistant chief observer4.The assistant observersWhat information should be furnished inwriting to the chief observer prior tothe start of a full power trial?3-72.1.Date of last undocking2.Dates of last testing of allmachinery safety devices3.Authorized and actual settings ofall main machinery safety settings4.All of the above1.Every half hour2.Every hour3.At the start and end of the trial4.At the start, middle, and end of thetrialA ship undergoing a 4-hour full powertrail is equipped with a torsionmeterfor measuring shaft horsepower. Todetermine the power being developed,how many observations should be taken?1.At least one during the trial2.At least two during the trial3.At least one each hour4.At least two each hourWhich of the following is NOT a responsi-bility of engineering departmentpersonnel during an engineering trial?1.To provide observers with a writtenstatement of the date of the ship'slast undocking2.To ensure that clocks aresynchronized in all engineeringspaces and on the bridge3.To provide the usual "housekeeping"andauxiliary loads4.To check the setting of machinerysafety devices21
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