ASSIGNMENT 1Textbook Assignment:"Administration and Training," chapter 1, pages l-l through 1-28.l-l.The standard forms for the logs andrecords are prepared by the varioussystems commands and the CNO.1.True2. False1-2.Which of the following entries isNOT required in the EngineeringLog?1.The total engine miles steamedfor the day2. Any injuries to engineeringdepartment personnel3. The amount of fuel consumed forthe day4. Draft and displacement upongetting underway1-3.Which of the following engineeringdepartment records must bepreserved as permanent legalrecords?1.Engineering Log and Fuel andWater Report2.Engineer's Bell Book andMonthly Summary3. Engineering Log and Engineer'sBell Book4. Machinery History and BoilerRoom Operating Record1-4.Which of the following statementspertaining to the Engineering Logis correct?1.Remarks must include all minorspeed changes and boilers inuse2.Spaces are provided forrecording the total enginemiles steamed for the day anddraft and displacement upongetting underway and anchoring3. Only erasures that are neat andthe reentries that are legibleare allowed4.It must be prepared and signedby the senior petty officer ofthe watch only1-5.Instructions for making entries inthe Engineering Log are containedin which of the following sources?1.Naval Ships' Technical Manual,chapter 0902.Type commander's directives3. Engineering Log form, NAVSHIPS3120/2D4. All of the above1-6.You are in charge of the entireunderway watch when Fireman Jonesslips and breaks his arm in theengine room.Where should yourecord this injury?1.In the Monthly Summary2.In the Engineering Log3.In the Engineer's Bell Book4.All of the above1-7.If an error is made in an entry tothe Engineering Log, what shouldyou do about the erroneous entry?1. Erase the error and insert thecorrection2.Line through the error once,rewrite it correctly, andinitial in the margin3. Underline the error and enteran explanatory note in themargin4.Circle the error and write anexplanatory note at the bottomof the page1-8.What person is reponsible forreviewing and signing theEngineering Log each day toindicate that all entries arecomplete and accurate?1.Petty officer of the watch2.CPO with the day's duty3. Engineer officer4.Main propulsion assistant1
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