1-48.An Engineman striker who is newlyassigned to the engine room is notready for messenger duty traininguntil he or she becomes familiarwith which of the followingfactors?1.Duties of the throttleman2.Technique of reading pressuregauges3.Procedures of starting orsecuring the main propulsionplant4.Locations of all machinery,equipment, piping, and valves1-49.During what part of an engine-roomwatchstander's training should atrainee learn how to take gaugereadings?1. While learning the duties of athrottleman2.While learning the duties of amessenger3. After becoming proficient withthe duties of the throttleman4. After learning to perform theduties of the throttleman1-50.When should an Engineman striker betrained to perform the duties of athrottleman?1.After becoming competent inadministrative requirements2. After becoming proficient inthe duties of the messenger3.While learning the duties ofthe messenger4.While learning specific basicsafety precautions1-51.Which of the following factorsshould be included in the trainingof engine-room personnel?1.Consideration of individualdifference in the learningrates of personnel2. Time to be spent on enginetheory before manual operation3. Encouragement of personnel tonotice and discuss differencesin engine behavior duringoperation4.All of the above1-52.Which of the following factorsshould be emphasized constantlythroughout an engine-room trainingprogram?1. Safety precautions2. Trial-and-error techniques3. Emergency repair procedures4. Machinery characteristics1-53.What section of the PQS defines theactual duties, assignments, andresponsibilities needed forqualification?1. Fundamentals2. Systems3. Watchstations4. Qualification Card1-54.What section of the PQS deals withthe major working parts of theinstallation, organization, orequipment?1. Fundamentals2. Systems3. Watchstations4. Qualification Card1-55.What is the main purpose of theEOSS?1.To restore plant operationafter a casualty2.To shorten communication linesto the bridge3.To recognize the three levelsof operation4. To keep things going smoothlyduring confusion1-56.Which of the following informationis contained in the EngineeringOperational Casualty Control (EOCC)subsystem?1.Watch qualifications2.Casualty symptoms3.Casualty reporting to the typecommander4.Casualty reports to BUMED6
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