1-39.Which of the following methods isused to determine if an engineneeds to be overhauled or justtemporarily shut down for simplemaintenance?1. The current engine operatingdata is compared with theprevious operating data2. The operating data of theengine is compared with that ofthe engine of the same type3. The temperature of the lube oilentering the cooler is comparedto that leaving the cooler4.The present amount of lube oilconsumption is compared withprevious lube oil consumption1-40.What can you determine from aspectrographic analysis?1.The extent of accelerated wearof an internal combustionengine2.The amount of oil the engineuses per month3. The rate of flow of coolingwater to the lube oil cooler4. The amount of oil pressureproduced by the lube oil pump1-41.In regard to ship-to-shop work, whois responsible for witnessing anytest required?1.The ship QA personnel assignedto the job2.The workcenter representativewho requested the work3. The repair facility supervisor4. The repair facility qualityassurance representative1-42.When the shipyard or IMA laboratoryreceives the oil samples, which ofthe following tests is/areperformed?1. Acid test2. Physical test3. Spectrometric analysis4. Both 2 and 3 above1-43.You are aboard a destroyerhome-ported on the West Coast andyou need additional informationconcerning trend analysis and oilspectrometric analysis. You shouldrefer to what Navy instruction?1. OPNAVINST 43P12. COMNAVSURFLANTINST 9000.1C3. COMNAVSURFPACINST 4700.1B4. SECNAVINST P5212.51-44.Fresh water is not potable unlessit meets which of the followingconditions?1.It is safe for engine operation2.It is safe for humanconsumption3.It is safe for cooling systems4.It is 100 percent salt-free1-45.Along with the engineeringdepartment, what other departmentis reponsible for the receipt,distribution, and quality testingof potable water systems?1. Supply2. Medical3. Weapons4. Operations1-46.In addition to technicalcompetence, which of the followingcharacteristics should you possessbefore you can teach others?1.Ability to organize information2.Loud, strong voice3.Formal training as aninstructor4.Each of the above1-47.Which of the following factors doesNOT help to determine theprocedures for training a newperson in engine-room operations?1.Ship's operating schedule2.Number of experienced personnelavailable3.Condition of engine-roommachinery4.Trainee's manual skill level5
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