1-57.What is the best form of casualtycontrol?1. Casualty prevention2. Effective organization3. Minimizing the casualty4. Restoring the casualty1-58.What is the best source forstudying engineering casualtycontrol?1. The Naval Ships' TechnicalManual2. This training manual3. The Watch, Quarter, and StationBill4. The EOCC procedure1-59.All engine-room watchstanders canincrease their ability to controland prevent casualties by studyingwhich of the followingpublications?1. The user's guide2. The EOCC manual3. The EOP manual, stage I4. The EOP manual, stage II1-60.What is the first step you shouldtake when handling a dieselcasualty with an inoperative speedgovernor?1. Notify the engineer officer andthe bridge and requestpermission to secure the enginefor repairs2. Check the setting of the needlevalve3. Check the linkage for bindingor sticking4. Control the engine manually, ifpossible1-61.The Quality Assurance (QA) programwas established for which of thefollowing purposes?1. To provide personnel withinformation and guidancenecessary to administer auniform policy of maintenanceand repairs2. To provide personnel withnecessary informationconcerning MSD reportingprocedures3. To control casualty reportingprocedures4. To enhance the PQS program1-62.The QA program organization (Navy)begins with what officer(s)?1. Type commanders2. Commanding officers3. Commander in chief of thefleets4. QA officer1-63.Which of the following officersprovide(s) instruction, policy, andoverall direction for theimplementation and operation of theforce QA program?1. Commanding officers only2. Commander in chief of thefleets3. Type commanders only4.Type commanders and commandingofficers1-64.The quality assurance officer (QAO)is responsible to which of thefollowing officers for theorganization, administration, andexecution of the ship's QA program?1.Type commander2.Commander in chief of the fleet3.Commanding officer4.Chief engineer7
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