1-65.Which of the following duties isNOT the responsibility of thequality assurance officer?1.Coordinating the ship's QAtraining program2.Maintaining the ship's recordsof test and inspection reports3.Conducting QA audits asrequired4. Monitoring work procedure forquality assurance1-66.Which of the following persons areassigned as the ship's qualitycontrol inspector?1.The CO and the division officer2.The engineer officer and theQAO3.The work center supervisor andtwo others from the work center4.The 3-M coordinator and theLCPO1-67.Level A assurance provides which ofthe following levels of assurance?1.The most stringent ofrestrictive verification2.The least verification3.Limited verification4.Adequate verification1-68.Level B assurance provides which ofthe following levels of assurance?1.Minimum verification2.Limited verification3.The most stringent ofrestrictive verification4.Adequate verification1-69.Which of the following statementsis NOT correct about levels ofessentiality? are codes assigned bysupplyThey indicate the degree ofimpact on the ship's missionThey indicate the impact onpersonnel safetyThey reflect the degree ofconfidence that procurementspecifications have been met1-70.What person implemented the systemfor periodic maintenance ofequipment requiring calibration orservicing?1.Chief of Naval Operations2.Chief of Naval Education andTraining3.Chief of Naval Material4.Chief of Naval Personnel8
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