10–20.At a swaged connection, what isthe maximum amount of broken wiresallowed before the swaged fittingshould be replaced?1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four10-21.When a hook has been bent byoverloading, the hook shouldbe straightened by heating thehook with a torch.1.True2.False10-22.When an original shackle pin islost or does not fit properly,the shackle should NOT be used.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles and componentsof fiber line and chains.10–23.Which of the following types offiber line comes from the leafstems of the stalk of the abacaplant?1.Sisal2.Manila3.Cotton4.Hemp10-24.Which of the following types offiber line is principally usedin fittings, such as ratline,marline, and spun yarn?1.Sisal2.Manila3.Cotton4.Hemp10–25.The snapback of a nylon rope canbe as deadly as a bullet.10-26.What percentage of extension inlength is the critical point ofloading for a nylon rope?1.10%2.20%3.30%4.40%10-27.What type of fiber line hascharacteristics similar to that ofnylon line, but does not snapbackwhen it parts?1.Sisal2.Hemp3.Kevlar4.Manila10-28.For some jobs, which of thefollowing properties make chainmore suited for use than wirerope?1.Resistant to abrasion2.Resistant to corrosion3.Resistant to heat4.All of the above10-29.Which of the following conditionsaffects the strength of a chain?1.Knotting the chain2.Overloading the chain3.Heating the chain totemperatures above 500°F4.All of the above10-30.Chains should be removed fromservice when any link shows wearthat exceeds what percentage ofthe thickness of the metal?1.10%2.15%3.20%4.25%1.True2.False73
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