9–53.What type of lead is connected tothe boom tip through the use oflead adapters?1.Swinging2.Underhung3.Extended four-way4.Overhead9-54.During what time period shouldlead adapter bolts be checked fortightness?1.At the beginning of each day2.At the beginning of each week3.At the beginning of each month4.At the beginning of each shift9-55.What component is used to holdleads at a vertical for drivingbearing piles or to hold the leadsat an angle for driving batterpiles?1.A tag line winder2.A bridle assembly3.A catwalk4.A boom mast9-56.What type of lead uses a slidingboom tip connector for connectingthe boom tip of the crane to theleads?1.Swinging2.Underhung3.Extended four-way4.Overhead9-57.What type of lead has an advantageover other leads because it bearsthe entire bottom of the pile capto the piling?1.Swinging2.Spud3.Extended four-way4.UnderhungLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles and componentsof pile–driving hammers.9-58.9-59.9-60.9-61.9-62.9-63.The noise generated by a pile–driving operation can causehearing loss.1.True2.FalseThe DE-10 hammer is lifted andstarted by a single crane lineconnected to what hammer component?1.Fuel pump assembly2.Belleville spring assembly3.Trip mechanism4.Thrust bearingThe compression of the trappedair in the DE-10 hammer createsa preloading force upon whichof the following components?1.Anvil2.Drive cap3.Pile4.All of theWhat componentis designed toabovein the DE–10 hammerbreak or bend in theevent the operator lowers the tripmechanism to low during hammeringoperations?1.Dowel pin2.Safety link3.Throttle shaft4.Lifting hookOn a diesel hammer,by gravity from thegasoline is fedmain fuel tankthrough the filter cartridge.1.True2.FalseLubricating oil for a diesel hammershould have a flash point of whatdegrees,in Fahrenheit?1.225°F to 250°F2.325°F to 350°F3.425°F to 450°F4.525°F to 550°F68
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