9-11.9-12.9-13.9-14.9-15.Pick and carry crane operations aredirected by the crane crew leader.1.True2.FalseThe capacity of a crane may changewhen rotating a load from onequadrant to another.1.True2.FalseInformation concerning a cranecapacity in each quadrant ofoperations can be found at whatlocation?1.On the equipment status board2.In the rigging loft3.On the crane load chart4.In the dispatch officeLearning Objective:Recognizethe components of lattice andtelescopic boom cranes.A basic boom consists of whichof the following components?1.The boom butt, a 10 footextension,and a boom tip2.The boom butt, boom tip,and a jib3.The boom butt and a boom tip4.The boom butt, a 20-footextension,and a boom tipManufacturers have set a zerotolerance for what type ofdefect(s) or damage to anyarea of a lattice boom?1.Rust2.Bent lacings or cords3.Cracked welds4.All of the above9-16.9–17.9-18.9-19.9–20.9-21.Which of the following NAVFACpublications contains the setguidelines for cranes havingstructural damage?1.P–4052.P–3073.P–3064.P-300The rule of thumb used when mixingshort boom sections with longsections is to install the longersections closest to the boom butt.1.True2.FalseAn operator of a crane should NOTrely on the boom angle indicatorfor radius accuracy especially whenlifts exceed what percentage of therated capacity?1.60%2.65%3.70%4.75%Each boom section has two pendants.If one pendant is bad, bothpendants must be replaced.1.True2.FalseOn most cranes, the function of thejib is to increase the lift height.1.True2.FalseThe bridle assembly is theconnection point for which of thefollowing components of a crane?1.Fairlead2.Pile driver hammer3.Pendant lines4.Master clutch64
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