8-43.What term is used to describe theoperation of removing brush, trees,and rubbish from a designated area?1.Bulldozing2.Stumping3.Clearing4.Ditching8-44.What size diameter tree isconsidered a large tree?1.4 inches2.6 inches3.8 inches4.10 inches8-45.Making contact or releasingpressure on a tree with a dozershould be performed quickly andsmoothly to avoid any shock tothe tree.1.True2.False8-46.Punctured radiators, broken8–47.8-48.hydraulic lines, and damagedexhaust stacks are common typesof equipment damage that occurswhen clearing brush and trees?1.True2.FalseWhat is the most effective pieceof equipment for removing rocksand boulders?1.A dozer with a tilted blade2.A rock drill3.A forklift4.A jackhammerWhat action should an operatorperform to increase the diggingaction of a straight-blade dozerworking in hard ground?1.Tilt the top of the bladerearward2.Tilt the top of the bladeforward3.Angle the blade to the left4.Angle the blade to the right8-49.What is the maximum workingdistance for a medium-size dozer?1.100 feet2.200 feet3.300 feet4.400 feet8–50.Side–by–side dozing is impracticalfor hauls of less than whatdistance?1.50 feet2.40 feet3.30 feet4.20 feet8-51.Slot dozing can increase productionup to what percentage?1.50%2.40%3.30%4.20%8-52.What term is used to describe theprocess of replacing excavatedearth?1.Spreading2.Finishing3.Backfilling4.Ditching8–53.A sidehill excavation can bestarted more easily if whattype of cut is made first?1.Ditch2.Bench3.Slope4.Slot8–54.What position should the dozerblade be in when backing awayfrom the edge of soft fills?1.As high as possible2.As low as possible3.In the float position4.Angled60
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