Learning Objective:Recognize theprinciples of rolling techniquesand bituminous rolling.8-66.When you are performing rollingoperations, the roller shouldtravel at what speed range?1.1 1/2 to 3 mph2.3 1/2 to 6 mph3.6 1/2 to 9 mph4.9 1/2 to 12 mph8-67.When rolling a side slope, youshould start the rolling processat what location?1.At the top of the slope2.At the middle of the slope3.At the bottom of the slope4.At a point 5 feet from eitherthe top or bottom of the slope8-68.What is the optimum temperaturerange for rolling a hot mix?1.100° to 150°2.150° to 185°3.225° to 285°4.300° to 325°8-69.What is the purpose of keepingroller tires and drums moist whenrolling a hot mix?1.To help cool down the hot mix2.To keep the hot mix fromsticking to the tires and drums3.To support the curing of thehot mix4.To clean the tires or drumsof foreign materials8-71.During hot mix construction, atwhat stage should longitudinaland edge rolling be performed?1.After breakdown rolling2.Directly behind the paver3.After intermediate rolling4.Before finish rolling8–72.Breakdown rolling should start atwhat location on a hot bituminousmat?1.High side2.Center3.Low side4.Between the low and center8-73.Which of the following factorsmust be considered when developinga rolling pattern?1.Location of first pass2.Sequence of succeeding passes3.Overlapping between passes4.All of the aboveB-74.Breakdown rolling with a steel-wheeled roller should be performedwith the drive wheel positioned inthe direction of travel.1.True2.False8-75.Intermediate rolling should beperformed before a hot mix reacheswhat minimum temperature?1.100°2.130°3.165°4.185°8–70.When water is not enough to keepthe hot mix from sticking to rollertires and drums, you should use adetergent designed to breakdowngrease or oil.1.True2.False62
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