9–22.Boom stops are designed to prevent9-27.Before a crane can be put back inthe boom from going-over backwardsin the event what problem occurs?1.The boom bounces out of thecradle during transport2.A load line breaks3.The operator leaves the boomhoist lever engaged4.The operator swings the cranetoo fast9-23.What is the function of the masterclutch?1.Provides the mechanism tolift and lower loads2.Transmits engine power tothe transmission3.Engages the power from thepower source to the hoistand swing mechanisms4.Rotates the house assembly9-24.Which of the following types ofcrane operations would requirethe use of two hoist drums?1.Clamshell2.Dragline3.Pile driving4.All of the above9-25.What component of a crane playsan important part when changingthe length of the boom?1.The bridle assembly2.The main hoist line3.The counterweight4.The master clutch9-26.When lowering the boom to theground, the boom point sheavesshould set on a piece of dunnage.1.True2.Falseservice, which of the followinginstructions states the crane testdirector must inspect the crane forcorrect installation of allcomponents?1.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST11200.12.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST11200.233.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST4400.34.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST1500.209-28.When telescopic boom sections areextended unequally, uneven stressesare placed on the most retractedsection.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective:Recognize thecomponents of crane attachments.9-29.The number of part lines rigged ona hook block is NOT a factor whenfiguring the capacity of a crane.1.True2.False9-30.In order to operate, which of thefollowing attachments requires theuse of a tag line, a holding line,and a closing line?1.Concrete bucket2.Clamshell3.Dragline4.Pile hammer9-31.Which of the following componentshelps prevent the clamshell fromtwisting during clamshelloperations?1.Fairlead2.Closing line3.Tag line winder4.Bridle assembly65
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