9–32.A fairlead performs what functionduring crane operations?1.Keeps the clamshell fromtwisting2.Guides the drag cable ontothe hoist drum3.Guides the boom hoist cablethrough the gantry4.Supports the pile hammerduring pile–driving operations9-33.A drag cable should be lubricatedeach time operator maintenance isperformed on a crane.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective:Recognize theprinciples of crane operations.9-34.What factor is the cause of mostcrane mishaps?1.Mechanical error2.Operator error3.Natural disasters4.Design flaws9-35.Which of the followingCOMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST providesguidelines for wire rope slings andrigging hardware used in the NCF?1.11200.82.11200.93.11200.114.11200.229-36.Before receiving a license tooperate a crane, operators arerequired to attend what totalnumber of hours of formal classroominstruction?1. 82.163. 324. 409-37.It is very dangerous for personnelto control crane suspended loads bytheir hands instead of a tag line.1.True2.False9–38.Which of the following personnelhas the ultimate responsibilityfor a crane lift?1.The signalman2.The operator3.The oiler4.The rigger9-39.Which of the following forms isused when performing crane prestartinspections and is turned in to thecrane crew supervisor at the end ofeach day or shift for reviewing andsigning?1.An ODCL2.A hard card3.An Operator’s Inspection Guide4.An Operator’s Daily PM report9–40.Wire rope should be replaced whenwear has destroyed what fractionof the original diameter of theoutside individual wires?1.1/82.1/33.1/24.2/39-41.Which of the following sockets candevelop only 70 percent of thebreaking strength of the wire rope?1.Swage socket2.Cappel socket3.Spelter socket4.Wedge socket9–42.“Two-blocking” means hoisting thehook block sheaves against the boomtip sheaves.1.True2.False66
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