ASSIGNMENT 10Textbook Assignment:“Rigging” and “Miscellaneous Equipment” pages 13–1 through 14-22.Learning Objective:Recognize theparts, grades, and characteristicsof wire rope.10-1.What term is used to describe awire rope that has strands orwires that are shaped to conformto the curvature of the finishedrope?1.Non–preformed wire rope2.Preformed wire rope3.Non-conform wire rope4.Conform wire rope10-2.Which of the following componentare part of the construction of awire rope?1.Wires2.Strands3.Core4.All of the above10-3.Wire rope is designated by thenumber of strands per rope andwhat other factor?1.The length of the strand2.The diameter of the strand3.The number of wires in eachstrand4.The number of strands in eachwire10-4.Which of the following strandconstructions has alternatinglarge and small wires that providea combination of great flexibilitywith a strong resistance toabrasion?1.Ordinary2.Scale3.Warrington4.Filler10-5.Which of the following types ofwire rope cores is a separate wirerope over which the main strandsof the rope are laid?1.Fiber2.Wire strand3.Independent wire rope4.Unconstrained wire rope10–6.Each square inch of improved plowsteel can withstand a strain thatis within what range, in pounds ofpressure?1.Between 100,000 to 140,0002.Between 240,000 to 260,0003.Between 300,000 to 340,0004.Between 440,000 to 460,00010-7.Which of the following wire ropelays has the wires in the strandslaid to the right, while thestrands are laid to the left toform the wire rope?1.Left lang lay2.Right regular lay3.Right lang lay4.Left regular lay10-8.Because it is very flexible, whichof the following types of wirerope is acceptable for use oncranes?1.6 x 122.6 x 193.6 x 244.6 x 3710-9.What is the SWL of a 3/4-inch wirerope?1.4.5 tons6tons12tons4.13.5 tons2.3.71
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