9-64.What component of a diesel hammerhas compression rings and is heldin place by buffet bolts?1.The ram piston2.The universal drive cap3.The vibration damper4.The anvil block9–65.The length of free travel of theram-piston from the bottom of thestroke to the safety catch lip atthe top is what length, in inches?1. 692. 893.1094.1189-66.The top of the cushion block shouldbe high enough to prevent thehammer shroud from fouling on therim of the drive cap.1.True2.False9-67.What term is used to describe apile-driving hammer driving pileswithout the use of leads?1.Free hammer2.Flying hammer3.Floating hammer4.Glide hammerLearning Objective:Recognizeprinciples of pile–drivingtechniques and terminology.9-68.What term is used to describe whena pile vibrates too much laterallyfrom the blow of the hammer?1.Springing2.Bouncing3.Refusal4.Bearing9–69 .What term is used to describe the9-70.9-71.9-72.9-73.9-74.condition reached when a pile beingdriven by a hammer has a 1-inchpenetration per blow?1.Springing2. Bouncing3.Refusal4.BearingWhat term is used to describe apile supported by skin frictionalone?1.Bearing2.Batter3.Lateral4.FrictionThe longer a pile stays in the soilthe more compact the soil becomes;therefore, the greater theresistance to pulling will be.1.True2.FalseWhat term is used to describea group of piles driven closetogether in water and tied togetherso that the group will withstandlateral forces?1.Batter2.Anchor3.Dolphin4.FenderWhat type of pile is made bypouring concrete into a taperedhole or cylindrical form previouslydriven into the ground?1.Precast concrete2.Cast-in–place concrete3.Composite4.SheetWhich of the following piles is acommonly used type of sheet pile?1.Straight web2.Shallow arch3.Deep arch4.All of the above69
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