8–55.A blade on a straight–blade dozermust have what type of accessorybefore it can be used as a pushdozer?1.A cutting edge2.A hard facing3.A reinforced block4.A rubber bumper8-56.An operator of a dozer shouldalways wear a seat belt whendozing.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles and componentsof rollers.8-57.What term is used to describe theprocess of compressing loose soilinto a solid mass?1.Crushing2.Compaction3.Pulverizing4.Condensing8-58.In roller operations, what doesthe acronym vpm mean?1.Vibration per mile2.Vibration pounding minutes3.Vibrations per minute4.Vibrations pulsate moment8-59.Vibratory rollers achievecompaction through whichof the following factors?1.Weight2.Impact forces3.Vibration response4.All of the above8-60.The impact forces placed onthe soil during compaction aregenerated by what action of theroller?1.The weight of the roller2.The vibration of the drum3.The kneading effort of thetires4.The speed of the roller8-61.A sheepsfoot drum is used forcompacting heavy lifts of whatthickness range?1.3 to 4 inches2.6 to 12 inches3.12 to 24 inches4.24 to 36 inches8–62.A smooth drum roller is capable ofcompacting lifts of what thicknessrange?1.4 to 8 inches2.8 to 16 inches3.16 to 32 inches4.32 to 64 inches8-63.What type of compaction effortis generated by a pneumatic-tiredroller?1.Vibration2.Pounding3.Kneading effect4.Shaking8-64.The air pressure in the tires ofa pneumatic-tired roller shouldbe set at what psi to compact agranular subbase?1.40 psi2.60 psi3.80 psi4.100 psi8-65.What type of roller may fail tocompact areas narrower than theroll and does NOT compact deeply inproportion to the roller weight?1.Sheepsfoot2.Steel wheel3.Pneumatic tired4.Smooth drum61
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