3-34.3–35.3–36.3-37.3-38.3-39.A brake light is usually combinedwith the taillight using what typeof bulb?1.Single-contact, double–filament2.Double-contact, double–filament3.Double-contact, florence filled4.Single-contact, single–filamentBrakes lights are a safety-requireditem and must be operational at alltimes.1.True2.FalseWhich of the following lights mustturn off automatically when avehicle is moving forward?1.Brake2.Parking3.Backup4.Side markerWhich of the following componentsis the weakest point in anautomotive electrical circuit?1.The bulbThe fuse3.The wiring4.The electrical connections2.Learning Objective:Recognizethe principles and componentsof gauges.When the temperature reading on awater temperature gauge starts torise, you should stop and determinethe reason.1.True2.FalseCold water should be added to anoverheated engine when it is NOTrunning.1.True2.False3–40.After an engine is started, whatis the rule of thumb for the oilpressure gauge?1. Itof2. Itof3. Itof4. Itofshould indicate 10 poundspressure in 30 secondsshould indicate 30 poundspressure in 30 secondsshould indicate 60 poundspressure in 30 secondsshould indicate 90 poundspressure in 90 seconds3-41.A low air pressure warning light orbuzzer should come on when the airpressure drops below which of thefollowing pressures?1.60 psi2.90 psi3.120 psi4.150 psi3-42.What action should you take if thehydraulic fluid level is normal,but the hydraulic fluid temperaturegauge indicates the fluid hasexceeded the recommended operatingtemperature range?1.Continue to operate at a slowspeed2.Shut down the engine to allowthe hydraulic fluid to cool3.Idle the engine to allow thehydraulic fluid to cool4.Continue to operate runningthe engine at full speed3–43.When operating a piece of equip-ment, what action should you takeif the fuel gauge does NOT indicateany depletion of fuel?1.Visually check the fuel levelfrom time to time2.Assume the fuel tank is full3.Ignore the gauge4.Park the equipment and notifythe mechanic field crew20
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