ASSIGNMENT 3Textbook Assignment:“Chassis Systems,” “Electrical and Hydraulic Systems,”and “Rules ofthe Road,” pages 3-24 through 5-6.Learning Objective:Recognizethe principles and componentsof air, air–over–hydraulic, andvacuum brake systems.3–1.An air brake system uses compressedair to apply the brakes.1.True2.False3–2.In an air brake system, whatcomponent pumps air into thestorage1.The2.The3.The4.The3-3.At whattanks?governorevaporatorair compressormaster cylinder pumppounds per square inch(psi) of air pressure does agovernor stop the compressorfrom pumping air?1. 302. 603. 904.1203–4.Compressed air usually containswater and compressor oil.1.True2.False3–5.Which of the following componentsof an air brake system helps reducethe risk of ice in air brakevalves?1.Safety valve2.Treadle valve3.Alcohol evaporator4.Limiting quick–release valve3-6.Which of the following componentsof an air brake system protectsthe tank and the rest of the systemfrom too much air pressure?1.The2.The3.The4.Thesafety valvealcohol evaporatordrain cockslack adjuster3-7.When the brake pedal is engaged,air from the air tank flows throughwhat component before flowingthrough the brake lines connectedto the brake chambers?1.Double–check valve2.Brake pedal valve3.Limiting quick-release valve4.Hand brake valve3-8.Pressing and releasing the brakepedal unnecessarily may release airout faster from the air tank thanthe compressor can replace it.1.True2.False3-9.A low air warning device shouldcut on before the pressure in theair tank(s) drops lower than whatpressure?1.120 psi2.90 psi3.60 psi4.30 psi3–10.On a tractor-trailer equipped withair brakes, which of the followingcomponents provides the operatorcontrol of the trailing load at alltimes?1.Master cylinder valve2.Hand brake valve3.Trailer protection valve4.Double-check valve17
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