2-30.Crab steering moves a machinein a straight line at an angleto its center line.1.True2.FalseLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles and componentsof suspension systems.2-31.What component is used to suspendwheels or tracks from a vehicleframe?1.Drag link2.Springs3.Torque rods4.Shock absorber2-32.Which of the following problemsare symptoms of suspension troublesin vehicle operations?1.Vehicle wanders2.Vehicle pulls to one sideduring normal driving3.Sway on turns4.All of the above2-33.Which of the following componentsof a multiple leaf spring keepsthe springs from separating on therebound after the spring has beendepressed?1.Spring hanger2.Leaf clip3.Spring seat4.Spring shackle2-34.Which of the following componentsof a multiple leaf spring providesa swinging support allowing thespring to straighten out whencompressed?1.Spring hanger2.Leaf clip3.Spring seat4.Spring shackle2-35.What parts are used to prevent thespring from shifting on track typeof tractors?1.Brackets2.Shackles3.U-bolts4.Hangers2-36.Coil springs are generally used onwhich of the following suspensionsystems?1.4 X 4 suspension systems2.4 X 6 suspension systems3.Independent suspension systems4.All suspension systems2-37.Rubberized fabric spacers placed ateach end of spring coils serve whatfunction?1.They prevent oil leakage2.They prevent squeaking3.They prevent grease leakage4.They provide a tighter sealbetween the coil spring andthe steering bushing2-38.Double–acting shock absorbersperform which of the followingfunctions?1.Prevent metal-to-metal contactwhen the springs are compressedand absorb torsion from thesprings2.Check spring rebound only3.Check spring compression andspring rebound4.Prevent metal-to-metal contactwhen the springs are compressedand check spring reboundLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles and componentsof tires.2–39.Abuse and neglect are primarycauses of the premature failureof tires.1.True2.False12
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