1–71.What part of a torque converteradds its force to the pump byredirecting the oil as it leavesthe turbine?1.The impeller2.The torus3.The stator4.The driving member1–72.Besides the planet carrier, theplanetary gear system includes thesun gear, ring gear, and what othercomponents?1.Planet pinions2.Throw-out bearings3.Star gears4.Moon pinions1-73.What component of the planetarygear system has internal teeth?1.Planet pinion2.Sun gear3.Ring gear4.Planet carrier1-74.Which of the following is anadvantage of the planetary gearsystem?1.More teeth make contactto carry the load2.Gears are always in mesh3.Ease of shifting4.Each of the above1–75.For power to be transmittedthrough a planetary gear system,which of the following conditionsmust exist?1.Engine must deliver powerto one of the three members2.The propeller shaft must beconnected to one member3.One member must be heldstationary4.All of the above8
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