2-19.Which of the following componentssupports part of the weight of avehicle and also drives the wheelsconnected to it?1.Trunnion axle2.Dead axle3.Live axle4.Bogie axle2–20.Which of the following componentsaids in distributing the load onthe rear of the vehicle to the twolive axles that it connects?1.The trunnion axle2.The final drive3.The floating axle4.The torque rods2–21.Which of the following typesof live axles are NOT used inautomotive and constructionequipment?1.Semifloating2.One–half floating3.Three-quarters floating4.Full floating2-22.On a 4 by 4 drive, what componentdivides the power between the frontand rear axle?1.Power takeoff2.Differential case3.Center support housing4.Transfer caseLearning Objective: Recognizethe principle and componentsof the steering system.2-23.What part of the steering mechanismconnects the front wheels of avehicle?1.Steering linkage2.Steering gear3.Steering column4.Steering pitman arm2-24.The tie rod is usually locatedbehind the front axle. What isits major function?1.To keep the front and rearwheels in proper alignment2.To connect both right andleft wheels3.To keep the front wheelsin proper alignment4.To adjust all wheels foralignment2-25.Which of the following is NOTa type of steering trouble?1.Hard steering2. Vehicle wanders3.Steering kickback4.Hard or rough ride2-26.Which of the following componentsis NOT part of a power steeringassembly?1.Hoses2.A fluid reservoir3.A hydraulic pump4.A leaf clip2-27.What type of steering is used toturn a whole section of a machinefrom a vertical hinge?1.Front and rear2.Articulated3.Rear4.Crab2-28.What type of steering swings therear wheels outside of the front-wheel tracks?1.Front and rear2.Articulated3.Rear4.Four wheel2-29.What type of steering designreduces rolling resistance in softground because one set of tiresprepares a path for the other set?1.Front and rear2.Articulated3.Rear4.Four wheel11
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