2-51.On rock service treads, what is theprimary purpose of the narrow voidsbetween the lugs?1.Provides traction on slipperysurfaces2.Provides flexibility on rockysurfaces3.Prevents loose rocks from beingcaught in the lugs4.Prevents the lugs from fillingwith mud when working in muddyconditionsLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles and proceduresof tire removal and repair.2-52.When you raise a vehicle witha jack, always block the wheelson the axle that is being raisedwith the jack.1.True2.False2-53.When breaking down a tire, youshould perform which of thefollowing steps first?1.Force the tire bead awayfrom the removable side ring2.Inflate the tire to findthe hole3.Plug the hole in the tire4.Remove the valve core anddeflate the tire completely2-54.When assembling tires equipped witha removable side ring, you shouldinstall the valve stem so that itpoints towards the removable sidering.1.True2.False2–55.When assembling a tire equippedwith a lock ring that does NOT seatproperly, you should inflate thetire with how many pounds of airpressure before tapping the lockring with a mallet?1.5 to 10 pounds2.15 to 20 pounds3.25 to 30 pounds4.35 to 40 pounds2-56.When physically inspecting theinside of a tubeless tire, youshould use a rag to protect yourhand from injury.1.True2.False2-57.When plugging a tire, you shouldcut the plug at approximately whatdistance from the surface?1.3/4 inch2.1/2 inch3.1/4 inch4.1/16 inch2-58.On a tube to be patched, you shouldbuff or roughen the surface atleast how many inches around thehole to be patched?1.1/2 inch2. 1inch3.1 1/2 inch4. 2inch2-59.Tire rotation is performedaccording to the manufacturer’sspecifications.1.True2.False2-60.Which of the following personnelsupervise the tire shop?1.Transportation supervisor2.Maintenance supervisor3.Projects supervisor4.Heavy shop supervisor14
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