3-11.Because of the size of the airpiston in an air-over–hydraulicbrake system, the air pressure isa much greater pressure than thehydraulic pressure that is admittedto the air cylinder.1.True2.False3-12.In a vacuum brake system, whatforce acts on the rear side of thepiston to exert a powerful pull onthe rod attached to the piston?1.Compressed air2.Mechanical pressure3.Vacuum4.Atmospheric pressure3-13.What type of vacuum braking systemcontains within one unit, ahydraulically actuated controlvalve, a vacuum power cylinder,and a hydraulic slave cylinder?1.Hydrovac2.air-hydraulic unit3.electric vacuum unit4.air packLearning Objective:Recognizethe principles and componentsof electrical systems used inautomotive and constructionequipment.3-14.Which of the following componentsis NOT a basic component of anautomotive and constructionequipment electrical system?1.A storage battery2.A charging system3.A starting circuit4.An electrostat3-15.Which of the following componentsis the heart of the chargingcircuit?3–16.Battery current is produced bya chemical reaction between theactive materials of the platesand what type of acid?1.Bromic2.Floric3.Sulfuric4.Phosphoric3-17.You can thoroughly clean a batteryby using a stiff brush and whatkind of solution?1.Water and baking soda2.Water and soap3.Water and detergent4.Water and vinegar3-18.The cell elements of a batterycontain two types of lead plates,known as positive and negative.1.True2.False3–19.In what units is the capacityof a battery measured?1.Cold current amps2.Circuit cranking voltage3.Cold cranking amps4.Continuous cranking voltage3–20.The charging system recharges thebattery and performs what otherfunction?1.Stores charged amps2.Generates current duringoperation3.Stores charged voltage4.All of the above3-21.Dc and ac are the two types ofcharging systems used on automotiveand construction equipment.1.True2.False1.The storage battery2.The starting circuit3.The lighting system4.The gauges18
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